Using Panopto in Subject sites

There are two main uses for the subject session folder for Panopto:

  1. Recordings that include content that is specific to the student cohort and session. This content will not be visible to students in other sessions. This may include cohort specific information about placements, for example, or automatically provisioned lecture capture in lecture halls and classrooms. These recordings will be stored and accessed in the Subject session site’s Panopto folder.
  2. Video assignments for students. The article on Setting up video assignments in Panopto provides a step-by-step approach to creating these assignments effectively.

This article explores using the CSU Panopto folder within a \subject site for managing Panopto recordings within a particular teaching session.

Panopto in subject sites

Access your subject site in Brightspace.

Navigate to Panopto via My Subject > CSU Replay (Panopto)

Access panopto via the My Subject tab on the Nav bar

The first time that you do this it will take a few moments for the screen to load as Panopto is enabled in the background. Then the Panopto folders for the subject will open.

Panopto folder

The folder in Panopto takes the same name as the subject itself, so that will include the session subject code as well.

If you have made bookings with DIT for lecture capture in Panopto (non-IVT lecture recordings) they will appear automatically in the subject session site folder. This is also where students will be able to access and view them.

If you require your face-to-face lecture/s to be automatically recorded, they must be booked in advance. To schedule your lecture, you should use this form:

A minimum of 2 weeks’ notice is required to ensure your Panopto lecture recording can be processed and scheduled on-time.

You can create and upload videos into your Panopto session folder. Remember that these will only be available within that session site.

If you are creating recordings that need to be embedded into your content and re-used across multiple sessions you should do this within your subject Master site. See Embedding Panopto into learning resources for more information.

To add a video to the Panopto session folder, navigate to the Panopto folder and click on Create.

Create a video in Panopto

You will see that there are several different options:

The options for Panopto creation

Creating a new video

To create a new recording select Panopto Capture: This option launches Panopto Capture, which allows a user to easily record audio, video, entire screens, or application windows from directly within their browser, and no download is required.

Select Panopto Capture

Panopto Capture will launch in a new browser tab. Choose your recording options:

Panopto recording options

  • Audio (select your audio input)
  • Video (select your camera)
  • Screen and Apps (if you want to select an entire screen, specific window, or browser tab)
  • Smart Camera: This will automatically track and keep the speaker in frame during a recording adjusting the framing as you move around. You can choose between tracking one person or a group.

You can also adjust the settings for recording options (SD/HD quality), stream output, video layout, and background by selecting the cog icon.

The options for Panopto creation

Click the red circle button to start recording.  

Panopto go button

Click the red square button to stop recording.  

Panopto stop recording

The recording will automatically upload to Panopto. On the confirmation screen you can view a preview, redo if needed, and give a meaningful title to the recording.  The ideal naming would include subject code, topic/lecture/ title of video. This allows the video to be more easily identifiable and finding the video more easily by being able to search on a subject code.  It also means if the student opens the video up in Panopto, they have the context of the subject and the content it relates to.  E.g. ABC123 Topic 1/Lecture 1: Biology

Panopto preview screen

Uploading a recording

To upload a recording you have already made, choose Upload media. This option will allow you to upload audio files, a single video, or multiple videos that will create new Panopto Sessions.  

Select upload media

Click in the dotted field to open the browse window and locate the file on your computer, or use the drag-and-drop function to drop the video into the field.  

Upload screen in Panopto

The file will upload, and you will see a confirmation screen with the name of the video and upload status listed.  

Upload confirmation screen

You are also able to download and use Panopto for Windows to create and upload your videos. Panopto for Windows offers some additional features for recording with multiple sources and live streaming.

For copyright guidelines refer to:

Academics are required to place a sign in the lecture theatre indicating that the lecture is being recorded and notify students verbally at the commencement of the lecture.

Be aware that recordings may hold resources that contain images and voices of deceased persons which can cause sadness and distress to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and offend against strongly held cultural prohibitions. This material should be used with sensitivity. Queries regarding the appropriate use of Indigenous educational material should be directed to the Indigenous Curriculum and Pedagogy Coordinator in the Indigenous Curriculum area of the Division of Learning and Teaching.

Lectures can be recorded using Interactive Video Teaching (IVT) rooms or the CSU Replay remote capture. Both options capture audio and information displayed on the projector in the room.

In an IVT room, the lecture will be captured using the video conferencing system. These rooms can be identified by the video conference microphone on the lectern.

All other rooms that have CSU Replay recording capability will have the Delcom lights on the lectern.

You have the option to record a PowerPoint presentation only with audio:

  1. Click the Create button and select the option to Record a new session
  2. Press Launch Panopto - this will open the software and set the upload folder to the name of the Interact2 site that you clicked create from
  3. Deselect your webcam
  4. Select your microphone
  5. Tick capture PowerPoint
  6. In the preview pane tick start presentation when recording starts
  7. Click the open presentation button if your PowerPoint is not already open
  8. Untick everything else - this will deliver the smallest file for students to download

Note: If you wish to record something else in addition to the PowerPoint presentation, you have to record the screen as well. This will make the recording a slightly larger file.

In a Panopto CSU Replay room, recordings will be uploaded automatically to your Subject.

If you have recorded on your laptop using Panopto (not in a classroom) you can upload audio and\or video recordings using the Upload Media option in the Create menu of CSU Replay in Brightspace.

You must ensure the recordings do not breach Charles Sturt policies and copyright.

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