Professional Practice

Learning outcome

Demonstrate knowledge, capabilities, practices, attitudes, ethics and dispositions of their discipline or profession.

Student Benefits

Graduates will develop discipline-specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, professional values and practice capabilities necessary to prepare to become future professionals for work and life. They will demonstrate appropriate capabilities of a beginning practitioner including their employability through critical reflection on self, others and established norms; professional decision making, judgment and professionalism; and collaboration and teamwork in situated practices.


Focus on purposeful practice capability development and support appropriate for the stage in a course as follows

  • Development of understanding of professional requirements and culture.
  • Acquiring professional practice skills via simulation, role play, small group work and observation of and in authentic professional contexts.
  • Development of practice capabilities in classroom settings via practice based pedagogies (e.g. problem solving, peer learning, collaborative learning, reflective practice) and in authentic professional contexts under close instruction and supervision.
  • Demonstrating relevant requirements from professional bodies.
  • Development of professional identity development, professional reasoning, decision making and judgment.

Course Requirements

  • Professional practice capabilities and professional identity development must feature and be contextualised in the course learning outcomes, assessments, and marking criteria.
  • The course must enable students to demonstrate relevant professional threshold standard skills.

Teaching Practices

  • Early, low-stakes, self-reflective, action-oriented assessment that helps students develop their professional identity and prepares them to work in professional settings.
  • Purposeful, outcomes-focused, student-centred workplace learning experiences based on shared expectations between student, placement host and academic.
  • Scaffolded practice based learning experiences to foster professional agency and to prepare students to engage productively with authentic professional contexts.
  • Explicitly discuss workplace learning and professional accreditation bodies’ requirements in course materials and documents e.g. subject outlines, assessments, rubrics, notes, presentations.


Assessment must include authentic assignments that address reflective practice on professional culture and professional practice. Assessment should be authentic, judgment-based, collaborative and focus on career-wide learning. For example:

  • Identify a list of capabilities required in the future landscape of your chosen career direction and critically discuss why and how you will create learning opportunities to fine-tune these capabilities.
  • Reflect on workplace learning experience, culture and required skills development.
  • Produce artefacts required for future work and employability such as developing a professional portfolio, evidence of practice capability attested by professionals, clients and academics.