Comprehensive Course Reviews

DLT Support for Comprehensive Course Reviews (CCR)

Comprehensive Course Reviews (CCRs) are to be finalised within every seventh year or earlier (if the findings of a Deep Dive Annual Course Health Check (ACHC) review indicate the need to bring a CCR forward). DLT has implemented a range of resources and services to facilitate the CCR process. We support the faculties as they complete the three stages of CCR: course review, course design and course re-accreditation.

Stage 1

Course Review (CR) support

Educational designers (EDs) and other DLT support will be allocated to each course going through CCR by the Sub Dean, Curriculum Design and Development (CDD), upon request from the relevant course director (CD). The allocated ED will develop a CCR Analysis and Support document and send it to the relevant course directors. This document will include a summary of the course level analysis and some high-level recommendations for aspects of the course for consideration within the scope of the review. The CCR Analysis and Support document will also include links to guides and knowledge articles and a summary of other services and processes for allocating DLT support, such as alignment of curriculum, scaffolding of student learning, curriculum mapping, and support to seek IBS (Indigenous Board of Studies) approval.

Stage 2

Course Design support

Design and development work will commence (if required). EDs will support course directors in completing design actions from the CR report. The Project Lead, Curriculum Architecture Principles (CAPS), will provide support for related work and the Academic Lead (First Nations) will provide support with the analysis of curriculum and First Nations content and pedagogy.

Stage 3

Re-accreditation support

Once the course proposal is completed in the CDAP Accreditation module by the Course Director (CD), the allocated ED will be able to provide feedback on aspects of the proposal and support for curriculum mapping. The Project Lead (CAPS) will help confirm CAPS alignment in CDAP.

The ongoing subject improvement work from the CCR is transitioned to the design and development work as faculties nominate subjects for inclusion in the Subject Build Process. The Manager of the Design, Development and Review (DDR) team coordinates this work.

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