Guidance notes: Principle 10 Core Subjects


10.1   Core subjects are subjects that all students undertaking a course are required to pass.
10.2   3-year Bachelor degrees must have a minimum of 64 points of core subjects.
10.3   Professionally accredited degrees can be comprised of up to 100 per cent core subjects.
10.4   Courses that are comprised of 64 points or more, or that are components of an articulated set of courses, must have a minimum of 16 points of core subjects.
10.5   Core subjects in a Masters (Coursework) course must be structured such that the combination with restricted electives ensures that 64 points of subjects in the course are at 500 level.
10.6   A core subject in a course cannot appear in Majors, Minors and Specialisations in that course.

Rationale/Policy link

  • 10.1 See Course and Subject Design (Coursework) Procedure, Glossary: Core subject definition

Other guiding information

  • The critical aspect of core subjects is that they are subjects that ALL students undertaking a course are required to complete. They are not part of majors, minors or specialisations.

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