QUASAR is a web-based tool available to staff that allows all teaching staff to moderate their subjects as well as plan for future improvements.

Why use the Quality Assurance and Reflection system (QUASAR)

QUASAR is a single university-wide system that maintains information about moderation and its results. It ensures the moderation process is quality assured and enables all teaching staff a place to reflect upon their subjects and plan improvements for the future. The relevant committees are also able to record and provide feedback on assessments and subjects. It also ensures the university compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) requirements

Benefits for...

  • Ensures marking practices are fair and consistent.
  • Ensures assessment judgments are transparent and applied consistently to all students.
  • Ensures subjects are regularly quality assured, reviewed and constantly improved.
  • Easy to use and access available to all teaching staff.
  • Academics get access to key data and the ability to request workload and resource.
  • Provides clear documentation on the quality assurance and improvements of subjects that can be used in course reviews, course accreditation, and reporting to TEQSA.

Support with...