e-portfolio (PebblePad)

PebblePad is a web based program provided to all Charles Sturt staff and students to support the creation of a personal learning space and ePortfolios.

PebblePad includes a range of tools to help you and your students’ plan, collect, reflect, interpret, record evidence and present their learning.

Why use PebblePad

PebblePad is a reflective learning tool. It can be used to help students reflect on their learning journey, collate evidence of their learning and self assess as well as showcase their skills.

Benefits for...

  • Develop reflective skills.
  • It is a learning journey where the student develops and refine their skills over time.
  • Creates records over time to build up a rich store of evidence.
  • Evidence collated can support claims, like job applications.
  • Upon graduation, students can request an alumni PebblePad account so they can continue to have full access to their portfolios.
  • Supports assessments where reflective learning is needed.
  • Evidence demonstrates competencies over time.
  • Introduces portfolios into the curriculum.
  • Can be customised to suit student learning needs.
  • The learning centre within PebblePad provides comprehensive support to users.

How to guides

The following support resources are available for new and existing users of PebblePad:

Help Guides & Support Materials

Tutorial Videos

Related Weblinks

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