Higher Education Academy Fellowships

The Higher Education Academy Fellowships is an internationally recognised program.

About the fellowships

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowships works with institutions worldwide to improve higher education. Becoming a Fellow connects you to an international community that values quality teaching and supports learning. Obtaining HEA Fellowship demonstrates your commitment to teaching and learning and evidence of your standing as a Higher Education (HE) practitioner.

Teaching academics and professional staff who support learning are welcome to apply for a fellowship.

Fellowships are awarded in four categories:

  • Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) – this is suitable for staff who are fairly new to a role in teaching and/or support for learning or may have a limited teaching portfolio; for example, sessional/ part time staff or early career researchers with some teaching responsibilities. They may be new or experienced staff with specific roles in supporting HE learning such as technicians, librarians, professional staff, learning technologists, careers advisors, etc.
  • Fellowship (FHEA) - this is suitable for staff with substantive teaching responsibilities or professional staff with responsibilities to support HE learning.
  • Senior Fellowship (SFHEA) – this is suitable for staff who lead and influence HE academic practice and higher education learning in a many different settings. Working with and through ‘others’ (e.g., colleagues, peers, mentees, etc.) they operate to support, guide and initiate change or lead / influence enhancement of practice in a wide range of global contexts.
  • Principal Fellowship (PFHEA) – this is suitable for highly experienced individuals whose practice involves a sustained record of effectiveness in strategic leadership of high-quality learning. Their impact is extensive.

These categories are based on descriptors of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023).

The UKPSF sets out the knowledge, skills, and behaviours demonstrated by those teaching and/or supporting higher education learning.

You can work through a series of questions to decide your fellowship category. Please see the Fellowship Category Tool.

You are required to complete certain elements for each category of submission. You will always provide evidence of your work meeting the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).

Category 1

Associate Fellowship

Your submission includes

  • a Context Statement providing a brief summary of your higher education roles (300 words)
  • a Reflective Account of Practice (RAP) that provides evidence that your professional practice meets 2 of the areas of activity described in the UKPSF (1400 words + citations, 200 words)
  • 2 supporting statements from colleagues, at least one with a fellowship. These statements endorse your claim and confirm the accuracy of your reflection.
Category 2


Your submission includes

  • a Context Statement providing a brief summary of your higher education roles (300 words)
  • a Reflective Account of Practice (RAP) that provides evidence that your professional practice meets the UKPSF (3000 words + citations, 500 words)
  • 2 supporting statements from colleagues, at least one with a fellowship. These statements endorse your claim and confirm the accuracy of your reflection.
Category 3

Senior Fellowship

Your submission includes

  • a Context Statement providing a brief summary of your higher education roles (300 words)
  • a Reflective Account of Practice (RAP) that provides evidence that your professional practice meets the UKPSF (3000 words + citations, 500 words)
  • 2 case studies (1500 words each) that evidence 2 particular examples of your leadership in relation to teaching and learning, and that demonstrate your sustained effectiveness in relation to learning and teaching.
  • 2 supporting statements from colleagues, at least one with a fellowship. These statements endorse your claim and confirm the accuracy of your reflection.
Category 4

Principal Fellowship

  • Applying for a Principal Fellowship requires specific support and includes connecting with academics from different settings. Further detail of this category is provided on request.

The 2024 Charles Sturt University HEA Fellowship scheme

Up to six funded places per faculty are available annually, subject to a competitive selection process.

To apply for a funded place, complete and submit an expression of interest form via the Charles Sturt University HEA Fellowships EOI form by Wednesday, 2 May. A selection process is applied if the number of applicants exceeds the number of places.

Applicants for a funded place must be able to commit to participating in all associated professional development offered via the Teaching Academy and submitting their fellowship application by or before 31 December 2024.

How we support you

The Teaching Academy will provide:

  • introductory workshops
  • writing workshops
  • advice and consultation
  • mentoring and feedback in small groups

Register for our next HEA Fellowship Event:

What category of HEA Fellowship is right for me? on 17 April at 10 am

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