You can download each sessions calendar into your work or personal outlook calendar.
The calendar download is not compatible with Mac.
Click the button on the bottom of the Subject Delivery Guide page for the session you want to download.
If you click on your downloaded file it should add to outlook automatically as an additional calendar.
If you would like to add the calendar into your existing calendar follow these instructions:
How you view the guide in outlook is completely up to you. Here are some tips.
The guide will be added as it's own calendar.
You can view the calendar side by side or as an overlay.
Use the arrow button to overlay the Subject Delivery Guide onto your personal calendar. It will show the event as a separate colour and generally only has an event each Monday.
Here is an example of what the calendar will look like once you overlay it. use the arrow to change it back.
You may also want to add the key uni dates into your calendar as an overlay.
These dates include start and end of session, census, exam period and holidays.
Go to the Student Portal and click the 'Export to my personal calendar' button.
Follow the 'import file into your outlook calendar' instructions above.
You can also overlay this calendar.
If you are having trouble please log a job.