Survey questions

The Subject Experience Survey (SuES) employs two standard sets of core questions. This ensures survey results are comparable across sessions and across subjects.

Survey layout

The General Subject Survey has 16 questions using a common 5-point ordinal rating scale (To a very large extent > To a very small extent), including 3 open-ended text response questions to complete the survey.

The WPL Subject Survey, for subjects with 75% or greater work placement activity, has 14 questions using a common 5-point ordinal rating scale (To a very large extent > To a very small extent), including 3 open-ended text response questions to complete the survey.

The new sets of survey questions were released from Session 2, 2022. The SuES subject surveys are reproduced for you here:

Adding questions

You are able to add up to five further questions to a survey where you would like to explore specific aspects related to the learning and teaching of a subject. Additional items are chosen from a large set of questions stored in the question bank.

When adding questions to customise your survey, do be mindful that students are asked to complete the SuES for each subject in which they are enrolled. A longer survey may be a disincentive for students to complete it.

Surveys are open to customisation one week after the census date and remain open until the day before the survey is released to students. You will receive an email notification with instructions when your surveys are available for customisation. You can always check the schedule of survey key administration dates.

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