The Teaching Academy is a key initiative of the Education Strategy, under the Students pillar of the University Strategy 2030.
This project is strategically funded in 2023 to support the establishment and operationalisation of the Teaching Academy.
April 2022: National and international benchmarking to identify good practice principles associated with Academies demonstrating sustained impact in their host institutions.
June 2022: Survey of Charles Sturt staff to identify expectations of, interest in, and implementation challenges with an Academy.
September 2022: Teaching Academy Drop-In Sessions occurred in September. These were 30-minute sessions where staff shared their ideas, thoughts and experiences.
September - November 2022: Approval via relevant governance committees with final approval by the Academic Senate. The Academic Senate endorsed the Academy in November 2022.
December 2022: We will create a business case and project plan, which will include scope, project schedule, risk management, resource management and communications in preparation for 2023.
In 2023:
We will:
In 2024:
We will embed the Teaching Academy in operational structures, budgets, activities and processes.
The Academy was benchmarked with over 60 national and international universities. This benchmarking exercise aimed to identify best practices and potential teaching academy models. It investigated:
A survey for establishing a teaching academy was promoted throughout May. Eighty-six staff completed the survey. Survey responses came from across the faculties and divisions. Over 76% of respondents reported being a Subject Coordinator/Subject Convenor, a Subject lecturer or a Sessional Academic Staff.
Overall, survey participants indicated that:
They also indicated that membership should be open to all Charles Sturt staff interested in learning and teaching, encourage active participation and provide the following opportunities:
Staff identified some significant challenges in forming a teaching academy such as: