Charles Sturt Executive Dean's Teaching Award

The Charles Sturt Executive Dean's Teaching Awards recognise and reward excellence in teaching. The awards recognise and reward a diverse range of contributions (including direct teaching and assessment practices, curriculum development, leadership, and scholarship) made by individuals and teams over a sustained period and in line with the achievement of our education vision.

These awards provide a pathway for being nominated to develop an application for the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT).

The Executive Dean's Teaching Awards can be used as evidence of successful engagement with reward and recognition opportunities in learning and teaching as outlined within the Teaching Capabilities Framework and Self-Assessment Tool in the context of EDRS, academic promotion/probation, and peer review.

2024 Executive Dean’s Teaching Award winners


Dr Miao Li

Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences   School of Computing, Mathematics and EngineeringFor showcasing community-centred learning and teaching pedagogy in engineering education.

Dr Monica Short

Faculty of Arts and EducationSchool of Social Work and ArtsFor leading by developing a corpus of scholarship for teaching online or face-to-face, including how to embed into subjects innovative, kind, impactful, codesigned transformational learning opportunities.
Dr Hayley StannardFaculty of Science and HealthSchool of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary SciencesFor the development of a real-world application of animal anatomy and physiology using innovative resources and relevant curriculum.
Professor David M WatsonFaculty of Science and HealthSchool of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary SciencesFor inspirational teaching, immersing students in the heart of Australia as they learn the principles and practice of field ecology.

How to apply

Review the 2024 Guidelines, then submit your application online. The online application portal will ask for applicant details, nomination category, proposed citation, and three attachments: written submission, team statement of contribution (required only for team applications), and Head of School endorsement.

Wednesday 29 May
Applications Open

Wednesday 19 June
Information Session

Friday 19 July
Writing Circle

Friday 2 August
Draft 1 Due to Teaching Academy for feedback

Friday 27 September
Applications Close

26 & 27 November
Awards presented at CSEdX 2024

Present at Teaching Academy program of events


2024 Executive Dean's Teaching Award Conversation

In this session, Koshila Kumar (Director of the Teaching Academy) is joined by past recipients Abi Santhakumar, and Rachel Jefferson where they discuss their journey applying for the Executive Dean’s Teaching Award in 2023. Learn about their motivations, insights gained, and top tips for success.

2024 Executive Dean's Teaching Award Conversation

Past recipients

You can see the previous year's Executive Dean’s Teaching Award winners.

See previous recipients

Explore more

HIDDEN Am I eligible?

Applicants must have completed probation and may be:

  • full time, part time or sessional staff
  • teaching students as support staff
  • an individual or a team.

Teams may be any size and include cross-faculty/cross-school staff. A team name must be provided. Team applications may include professional staff, but the first named applicant must be an academic staff member from within a faculty.

Early career academics with less than five years’ experience who have passed probation are encouraged to apply. The five years can be non-sequential and must be counted on a session basis. In assessing the evidence supporting early career nominations, consideration will be given to the career stage of the nominee.

Applicants may only be included in one application per year.

Previous recipients of an Executive Dean’s Teaching Award or an AAUT Award are not eligible for individual renomination for five years, but can apply as part of a team providing they are not the lead applicant. The team nomination should not substantially replicate the original nomination.

Previously unsuccessful applicants are eligible for renomination in the following year.

Applications will be assessed based on the extent to which applicants show evidence that their contribution has:

  • influenced student learning, student engagement and/or the overall student experience
  • gained recognition from fellow staff, the institution, and/or the broader community
  • been sustained over a period of more than one session of teaching

Applications are assessed by a panel chaired by the Sub-Dean (Academic Development) consisting of the Sub-Dean(s) Learning and Teaching, or equivalent, and a nominated Head of School from each Faculty. The panel makes a recommendation for the selection of winners to the Executive Dean. There are up to four winners per faculty.

HIDDEN Selection criteria

To apply, staff must complete the Executive Dean’s Teaching Award Application Form and submit a written statement of up to four pages detailing claims against the assessment criteria describing the contribution in line with one of the following selection criteria.

This may include:

  • Fostering student development by stimulating curiosity and independence in learning
  • Participating in effective and empathetic guidance and advice for students
  • Assisting students from equity and other demographic subgroups to participate and achieve success in their course
  • Encouraging student engagement through the enthusiasm shown for learning and teaching
  • Inspiring and motivating students through effective communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills
  • Enabling others to enhance their approaches to learning and teaching
  • Developing and/or integrating assessment strategies to enhance student learning
  • Evaluating the quality of programs and activities including consideration of past and current student feedback to support student learning
  • Collaborating with students in learning experiences that involve problem solving, collaboration and critical thinking around authentic issues
  • Using pedagogical strategies that align with authentic workplace settings
  • Supporting students towards Indigenous cultural competency
  • Encouraging students to challenge themselves to attempt new experiences
  • Building partnerships with the community/industry to provide students with insight into the workplace

This may include:

  • Developing and presenting coherent and imaginative resources for student learning
  • Implementing research-led approaches to learning and teaching
  • Demonstrating up-to-date knowledge of the field of study in the design of the curriculum and the creation of resources for learning
  • Communicating clear objectives and expectations for student learning
  • Providing support to those involved in the development of curricula and resources
  • Contributing professional expertise to enhance curriculum or resources
  • Evaluating the quality of curriculum, resources, or services.
  • Partnering with community/industry to develop authentic resources and materials
  • Leading and working with peers to develop resources and teaching materials that reflect the Charles Sturt regions and student cohorts
  • Designing curricula that explicitly scaffold student learning throughout the program
  • Actively engaging in curriculum design for course and subject review, leading processes that utilise data and field knowledge to inform the design
  • Engaging students/industry/community/professions in the co-design of learning experiences that are innovative and student centred
  • Collaborating to build resources that support integrated learning opportunities for students

This may include:

  • Showing advanced skills in assessment/alternative assessment practices
  • Using a variety of assessment strategies to bring about change
  • Adapting assessment methods to different contexts and diverse student needs and learning styles
  • Contributing professional expertise to the field of assessment to improve program design and delivery
  • Dissemination and embedding of good practice identified through assessment
  • Evaluating the quality of the assessment practices
  • Supporting colleagues to reflect and improve assessment of learning teaching through communities of practice, mentoring, collegial review
  • Utilising diverse approaches to gathering student data around assessment and responding to feedback
  • Engaging in peer review processes of assessment practice to support innovative and quality assessment design

This may include:

  • Participating in and contributing to professional activities related to learning and teaching
  • Innovation in service and support for students; coordination, management and leadership of courses and student learning
  • Conducting and publishing research related to teaching
  • Demonstrating leadership through activities that have broad influence on the profession
  • Providing innovative learning and teaching for different contexts, including technology enhanced environments, for large and small class sizes and/or to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort
  • Influencing the overall academic, social, and cultural experience of higher education
  • Evaluating the feasibility of the innovation or the quality of leadership that enhances learning and teaching and/or influence student experience
  • Researching and exploring opportunities to engage students with issues of sustainability, community building, real world problem-solving in learning and teaching
  • Co-creating learning experiences with the profession/communities that transform student understandings of culture, self, and work
  • Leading innovative curriculum design that is multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural and future facing

HIDDEN How to apply?

Guideline and Form

Download the guidelines and application form:

Download Executive Deans Teaching Awards guidelines

Download Executive Dean’s Teaching Awards application

Complete the Executive Dean’s Teaching Award application form including the proposed citation and endorsement from Head of School/Manager

Attach your written statement, ‘Claims against the assessment criteria’ of up to four pages (see guidelines for criteria and formatting requirements)

Submit to by 8 September 2023

What do successful applicants receive?

Winners will be acknowledged with a Certificate and a $1000 budget for use in professional learning or further enhancement activity.

A condition of receiving the award is submitting an AAUT citation nomination and a session presentation at the following CS EdX conference.