Higher Education Academy Fellowships

The Advance Higher Education (AHE) Fellowship is an internationally recognised program.

About the fellowships

The Advance HE (AHE) Fellowship is awarded by Advance HE, a member-led charity for the sector that works with global partners to improve higher education for staff, students, and society. AHE Fellowship demonstrates your commitment to and standing in teaching and learning in Higher Education. Academic staff who teach and/or support learning and professional staff who support learning at Australian Qualifications Framework level 5 and above can apply for the fellowship. Obtaining an AHE Fellowship requires the demonstration of sustained activity relating to teaching, learning support, and/or provision of continuing professional development in higher education.

Teaching academics and professional staff who support learning are welcome to apply for a fellowship.

These categories are based on descriptors of the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023).

2025 Applications open: 12 March 25

2025 Applications close: 16 April 25

Download guidelines

Application form

Fellowships are awarded in four categories:

This is suitable for staff who are relatively new to a role in teaching and/or support for learning or may have a limited teaching portfolio.

For example, sessional/part-time staff or early career researchers with some teaching responsibilities.

They may be new or experienced staff with specific roles supporting HE learning such as technicians, librarians, professional staff, learning technologists, careers advisors, etc.

This is suitable for staff with substantive teaching responsibilities or professional staff with responsibilities to support HE learning.

This is suitable for staff who lead and influence HE academic practice and higher education learning in various settings.

Working with and through ‘others’ (e.g., colleagues, peers, mentees, etc.), they operate to support, guide and initiate change or lead/influence enhancement of practice in a wide range of global contexts.

This is suitable for highly experienced individuals whose practice involves a sustained record of effectiveness in strategic leadership of high-quality learning and extensive impact.

The UKPSF sets out the knowledge, skills, and behaviours demonstrated by those teaching and/or supporting higher education learning.

You can work through a series of questions to decide your fellowship category. Please see the Fellowship Category Tool.

You are required to complete certain elements for each category of submission. You will always provide evidence of your work meeting the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).

The 2025 Charles Sturt University AHE Fellowship scheme

The faculties provide funding support for the AHE fellowship.

In 2025, funded places are only available for academic staff in the Faculty of Science and Health and the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Faculty-funded places are subject to a competitive selection process. To apply for a funded place, you must complete and submit the EOI requires you to outline how you have demonstrated sustained activity relative to the level of fellowship being applied for, what you hope to demonstrate and gain through fellowship, how you plan to get to a successful outcome i.e. submission of a high-quality application in the expected timeframe, and how you plan to contribute to your School/Faculty/University if you are successful in gaining fellowship.

EOIs will be subject to a two-stage review involving the Teaching Academy and final review and endorsement by the Executive Dean/leadership of the respective Faculty.

2025 Guidelines and Application Form

Refer to the Guidelines for expectations and requirements, including the information required in your application.

Download application guidelines

Application form

Getting Started

Self-Funding Option

If you are not eligible for or unsuccessful in obtaining funding support, you can consider self-funding your fellowship application. As Charles Sturt University is an institutional member of AHE, staff are eligible for a 50% discount on application fees. Self-funded applicants can still participate in the professional development offered via the Teaching Academy.

Application Costs

Below are the application costs, including the 50% discount for member institutions, with approximate costs in Australian dollars based on the exchange rate on 10 March 2025:

  • Associate Fellow: £150 / AUD $307.32
  • Fellow: £220 / AUD $450.45
  • Senior Fellow: £330 / AUD $675.60
  • Principal Fellow: £550 / AUD $1125.99

If you choose to self-fund, you can still participate in the professional development offered via the Teaching Academy.

Please reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Key dates

The 2025 AHE fellowship EOIs open on 12 March and close on 16 April.


27 March 10.00-11.00 am: Teaching Academy professional development - AHE fellowship information session. Register via the Teaching Academy PD Events tab on Teams

May to July

05 May: Notification regarding EOI outcomes

Develop a first draft of your context statement and one case study.

06 May 10.00 -11.00 am: Teaching Academy professional development - Setting yourself up for success to apply for an AHE fellowship. Register via the Teaching Academy PD Events tab on Teams

31 July: Submit your first draft to your mentor for early feedback

August to Septemeber

Continue Developing Your Application: Keep refining and improving your application.

Seek Feedback: Get input from your mentor and colleagues to strengthen your submission.

Identify Referees/Advocates: Choose your referees or advocates and ensure they are well-briefed on your application.


Set up your account on the Advance HE (AHE) platform.

If you have a funded place, coordinate with faculty finance to arrange your payment. Please note that this process may take some time, so plan accordingly.

31 October: Submit final draft to the Teaching Academy

Prior to December

Finalise and submit your application.

Report on submission status to the Teaching Academy.


Report on application outcomes once known to the Teaching Academy.

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