You will need to complete three steps to provide evidence of your scholarly activities.
You'll need to use PPDR Manager to set your annual objective(s). In accordance with the Scholarly Activity Framework, you'll need to include at least one scholarship objective as part of your draft PPDR plan for the following year.
Much like any other PPDR objective, at the start of each new cycle, you’ll need to document and receive Head of School endorsement for:
Evidence of your scholarly activity should be captured as artefacts, which will be stored in the Charles Sturt University Research Output (CRO) repository. CRO has the capacity to store a wide range of artefacts including but not limited to the examples outlined in the Scholarly Environment Model.
You can also consult the Library Resources Guide – CRO: Adding Research Outputs, Impact, Engagement and Scholarly Activities which includes step-by-step instructions on how to get started in CRO, adding your artefact and your reflection.
At the completion of the cycle, you’ll need to complete a brief reflection using the Activity submission form in CRO. Your reflection should:
During 2022 and moving forward, sessional staff who teach substantively into subjects must record a scholarly activity.
Sessional staff are encouraged to use the information on this page to submit their reflection to CRO.
For additional support, please contact the Teaching Academy.
If you are supervising students (including honours and HDR students) and therefore have some involvement in their learning outcomes then yes you will need to set an annual scholarship objective.
When you leave Charles Sturt you lose access to CRO but the vast majority of artefacts submitted as research output can be automatically synced with ORCiD if you register for a unique identifier. Unfortunately the metadata in ORCiD does not necessarily match the same metadata used in CRO for other categories such as ‘Activity’ so it can’t be synced automatically.
The CRO Business Administrator can assist with downloading your non-research output submissions (including anything you set as confidential) from CRO, before you leave Charles Sturt, into a format that may minimise the amount of manual input into your new institutions equivalent database.
If you'd like more help with this process, the following resources can help