Study Link is a free online way to prepare yourself to learn at university. Study Link subjects are short, self-paced units of learning in Maths, Sciences, Digital Skills and Academic Literacies.
Study Link offers a range of learning opportunities tailored to your university preparation needs:
Study Link subjects are supplementary and do not count towards your degree or provide entry to a university course. For Uni Preparation studies that offer guaranteed degree entry, explore our Access Charles Sturt Entry and Undergraduate Certificate in University Preparation courses.
At Charles Sturt we recognise the importance of quality preparation for university study. Study Link is designed to really kick-start your learning. Our subjects help you to discover your learning level, grow your abilities and explore what interests you most.
If you haven't studied for a while or want to build your skills and confidence on a particular topic, then a short, fee-free Study Link subject is perfect for you.