Maths Skills 2 - Intermediate B

Looking to take the next step with your intermediate maths skills?

Do you already have some intermediate level mathematics skills, or have you completed Maths Skills 2 – Intermediate A (SSS072) and want to take your learning further? This subject builds on the content covered in Maths Skills – Intermediate A to give you more advanced algebra and problem-solving skills.

Topics covered in this short subject include:

  • advanced algebra: expanding special products (perfect squares, difference of two squares), factorising using common factors, factorising quadratic trinomials, solving complex equations including powers and simultaneous equations
  • concept of a function, linear and non-linear functions, including graphing techniques
  • exponentials and logarithms
  • word problems that involve the setting up and solving of a linear equation or a pair of simultaneous linear equations.

As with all Study Link subjects, all of your learning materials are presented online, and you'll have ongoing access to a dedicated subject coordinator for the duration of your Study Link term!

Subject availability
Session CRN Subject code Subject name Mode Campus/Location Term begins Application closing date Term ends
202315 394 SSS073 Maths Skills 2-Intermediate B Distance Orange 31/10/2022 27/01/2023 28/04/2023
202345 275 SSS073 Maths Skills 2-Intermediate B Distance Orange 13/02/2023 2/06/2023 11/08/2023
202375 416 SSS073 Maths Skills 2-Intermediate B Distance Orange 19/06/2023 15/09/2023 15/12/2023

Please note: You can start any time to suit you between Term start date and the close of applications.

Study material: 14 hrs

Subject Coordinator: Dr. Fleur Stelling

Dr. Fleur Stelling

This subject will be useful if you're studying:

  • Any tertiary course that requires Intermediate level Maths knowledge
  • Maths MTH105 if you are a first year student at Charles Sturt University with this subject choice. You can check your course details in the Online Course Brochure section of the University website