
If you are a student and you have a concern about academic, administrative or support services during your time at Charles Sturt, you may wish to make a complaint. Complaints are managed according to our Complaints Management Policy and Procedure.
If you are an international student, see the last link on this page.

Before submitting a complaint

With the exception of serious complaints, students must attempt to resolve their concerns at the point of origin before submitting a complaint. Please refer to the Complaints Management Policy and Procedure for further information.

Submitting a formal complaint

You can submit a complaint via our online reporting system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Assessments and grades

Separately from our complaints procedure, you can also request that:

Lodging a complaint is not a way to appeal these processes.

Sexual assault and harassment

If you have experienced a sexual assault or sexual harassment at Charles Sturt, you are encouraged to seek support and report it. This can be done anonymously if you choose.

In an emergency, call 000 or contact campus security on 1800 931 633 or by using Charles Sturt Safe.

Student misconduct

If you suspect a student has committed misconduct, you can report it.

When it is reported, the Appointed Officer will consider if the alleged misconduct falls within the Student Misconduct Rule.

International Students (ESOS)

The Education Services for overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and related legislation are designated to protect the interest of overseas students coming to Australia on student visas.

Charles Sturt University has an ESOS Complaints handling process for overseas students to submit a formal complaint if a matter cannot be resolved informally.