Governance Services

Governance Services provides support to the University Council and Council committees, including the Academic Senate and its subcommittees. It helps ensure the smooth handling of committee business and effective decision-making to enhance University governance arrangements.  It provides advice on the Charles Sturt University Act 1989, Charles Sturt University By-laws 2005, and Governance Rules of the University as well as policy.

Refer to the 2025 Governance Services Meeting Schedule and the 2025 Council and Committees Meeting Schedule for details on upcoming meetings.

University Council

The Council is the governing board of the University and is constituted to ensure the proper stewardship and strategic direction of the University.

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate is the principal academic body of the University.


A number of committees have been established to assist in exercising the responsibilities of the Council and Academic Senate.


The University offers a number of opportunities for staff and students to participate in high level decision making and oversight of University activities through membership on the various governance committees.

Honorary Awards

The Council recognises exceptional achievement and service to the University and its regions by conferring Honorary Awards.

University Medals

The University recognises students' achievements by awarding various types of University Medals.

University Handbook

The Charles Sturt University Handbook is the official handbook of the University's courses and subjects.


Governance Committee reporting templates and resources available for use by the University.


The Governance Services team provides support to the Council, Academic Senate and a number of committees.