Governance Committee Resources

Committee Submission Templates

The following templates have been mandated by the University Secretary for use by the University's Governance Committees and have been endorsed by the Office of Governance and Corporate Administration for use by any other University committee.

Submission Templates
Full Report Confidential

Full Report Non-Confidential

Academic Senate Full Report Non-Confidential

This is the default template for most submissions to committees.
Full Report with Attachments Confidential

Full Report with Attachments Non-Confidential

Academic Senate Full Report with Attachments Non-Confidential

This template is only to be used when an attachment is required. Attachments should be included by exception only ie. where a committee needs to see a specific document.
Summary Report Confidential

Summary Report Non-Confidential

Academic Senate Summary Report Non-Confidential

This template is used where a subcommittee has considered the full report, but the superior committee needs more information than what would be included in a delegate report.
Delegate Report Confidential 

Delegate Report Non-Confidential

Academic Senate Delegate Report Non-Confidential

This is a report by a delegate (ie. a subcommittee or an Executive with delegated authority) which provide assurance that delegate authority has been exercised appropriately.

All submissions to Council and Council committees (excluding Academic Senate) are confidential and must use templates with a confidential watermark. Use of the confidential watermark for all other committees is only necessary where an item contains confidential information.

The submission template is not a ‘coversheet’ with the ‘report’ included as an attachment. Report length should be a balance between the smallest practicable number of pages while covering the key issues appropriately. It can be expected that lengthy submissions (e.g. more than 10 pages) or those including unnecessary detail will be returned to authors for editing.

For assistance with report writing please consult the below resources (these are not managed or maintained by Governance):

Action Sheets

Committee Action Sheets are located in the Teams site CSU-Governance Committees. Council Committee action sheets are confidential and restricted to ELT members and their EO/EAs. Contact to arrange access. Edit access to action sheets is restricted, you can make comments in the Management Notes column which is not visible to the Committee. Governance will update the action sheet based on your edits prior to agenda distribution.

The Enterprise Action Register (for management actions) is administered by the Risk and Compliance Unit. Contact for further information.

Committee Annual Plans

Committee Annual Plans are located in the Teams site CSU-Governance Committees. Contact to arrange access. Edit access to annual plans is restricted, you can make comments in the Management Notes column which is not visible to the Committee. Governance will update the action sheet based on your edits prior to agenda distribution.

Committee Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference detail the specific authority that a committee has to oversee a delegated area of responsibility. For Council and Council Committees, Terms of Reference are contained in the respective Governance Rule. They are located under the Committees tab in the Policy Library.

Report Repository

The Report Repository is a central information source for all governance reporting at the University. The key aim of this repository is to be a useful resource for report authors and committees. It is a space to document all information about a report, to retain institutional knowledge, to help identify gaps, understand timing and data constraints, streamline work-flow and reduce duplication.

The Report Repository is located in the Teams site CSU-Governance Committees. Contact to arrange access.