Retention and Disposal

A disposal schedule is a document formally issued by the University and State Records Office (NSW) to list all the types of records produced by Charles Sturt University and their minimum retention periods. The schedule indicates what should happen to these records once their useful life has expired.

For a summary of minimum retention periods relevant to University Records refer to the Records Retention Guide.

General Disposal Authorities (GDA's)

General retention and disposal authorities (sometimes referred to as GDA's or GA's) identify the functions and activities, describe the type of records associated with each other, and prescribe a disposal action. These authorities are legal documents that provide the necessary authorisation by State Records (NSW) to allow disposal to be undertaken. Disposal actions range from permanent retention as an archive, to stipulating a minimum period of retention prior to destruction. The following is a list of GDA's that Charles Sturt University is required to comply with.

For further information please contact 

Archiving Records

When information is no longer used regularly, decisions have to be made whether it can be destroyed or whether it has some continuing value.  We use a disposal authority to determine the minimum amount of time the information needs to be kept before it can be approved by the University Records Manager for destruction.  Files/records with the same retention period should be boxed together, you will need to complete an Archive Box Content List form and forward to the Manager, University Records.

For further information please contact

Destroying Records

Although the disposal schedules establish when records can be destroyed, no records should be destroyed until authorised by the business unit manager and the Manager University Records. Records must be destroyed in a secure and environmentally friendly manner. Shredding and pulping are the preferred methods of disposal. Prior to the destruction of records you are required to complete a Request for Authority to Destroy Records form.

For further information please contact

Accessing Permanent Archives (State Archives)

For information on how to access permanent archives visit the Charles Sturt Regional Archives and University Art Collection website.