University Ombudsman

The University Ombudsman is an impartial and confidential resource for seeking to address university-related problems, complaints or concerns. The Ombudsman works collaboratively with academic and general staff to help create a campus environment where matters raised are investigated and resolution is facilitated.

The Ombudsman can provide information and guidance on rights and responsibilities, University regulations and procedures, and mediation between conflicting parties. The Ombudsman links complaints, problems or concerns into the quality management framework for the University and seeks to use resolution options as tools for quality improvement.

According to the Complaints Management Policy the Ombudsman is responsible for:

  • overall management and monitoring of complaints handling within the University;
  • providing independent and impartial advice and assistance to managers or supervisors who have received and are handling a complaint;
  • providing independent, impartial and confidential information to complainants about the procedure for dealing with complaints including listening to the issues and helping the person clarify the facts;
  • conducting internal reviews of complaints in both process and content; and
  • identifying systemic issues arising from complaints and making recommendations to management.

If you make a complaint, it will be reviewed and assessed to determine whether the issues raised fall within the scope of the Complaints Management Policy. If your complaint falls within the scope of the Policy, it will be managed according to the Complaints Management Procedure.

The University Ombudsman may not make an academic assessment of any work and is unable to comment on the academic merit or content of submitted works.

The University Ombudsman is also the University's Right to Information Officer and Privacy Officer.

Complaints and grievances

The processes of feedback, reporting complaints, concerns, or issues.

Public Interest Disclosures (Whistleblowing)

A public interest disclosure (PID) is a disclosure about serious wrongdoing in the public sector (including education), that serves the public interest.

Right to Information (GIPA)

The University Ombudsman is also the University's Right to Information Officer.


The University Ombudsman is also the University's Privacy Officer.

Sexual assault and harassment

If you have experienced a sexual assault or sexual harassment at Charles Sturt, you are encouraged to report it.

Contact the Ombudsman

Email and phone details for the Ombudsman portfolio.