First aid

Charles Sturt University is committed to providing first aid, appropriate first aid facilities and supplies to ensure early first aid care is available to staff, students, visitors and contractors in emergency situations. The information provided, and the links to further resources aim to provide practical guidance for achieving prompt and effective first aid outcomes.

First Aid Officers

You can find first aid officers on each of the below campuses:

Contact details for first aid officers on Charles Sturt campuses

IssueContact Contact NumberAvailability
If unable to contact a suitable
First Aid Officer
Security 1800 931 633  (state which campus you are calling from) All hours
In case of Emergency Ambulance / Fire / Police 000 All hours
Campus Building Number(s) Area/ Building nameName Contact NumberAvailability


Bld 666 (Level One)

Peter Till Laboratories (Level One)

Emily Flint

6051 9878

8am - 4pm (M-F)


Blds 666 (Level 2), 667, and 669

Peter Till Laboratories, Clinical Skills Centre
and ERiCC

Matt Gill
(Senior first aid officer)

6051 9878

9am - 5pm (M-F)


Bld 670

Dental Clinic

Simone Bruce

6051 9310

9am - 5pm (M-F)


Bld 673

Gordon Bevan

Julie Nguyen

6051 9118



Blds 674, 675,
and 677

Facilities Management, and Fleet and Mail Services.

Vacant -contact security

1800 931 633



Bld 672
680 - 686,
and 690 - 699

Residential areas:
Pennay House, Hanrahan House,
Battersby House, Albury House,
Wangaratta House,Wodonga House,
Block A, Block B,
Gardens Medical at Charles Sturt,
and Residence.

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633



Bld 715

CEW (Community Engagement and Wellness Centre)

Alexandra Spiller

6051 6999

9am - 5pm (M-F)


Bld 717 and 720

Services Precinct Shed, and
Kerr Sustainability Centre (Research Shed)

Jarrod McPherson

6051 9378

8am - 4pm (M-F)


Blds 760, 761
and 762

Academic Accommodation
Postgraduate Rooms
Herbarium/ Honours/ SPAN

Deanna Duffy

6051 9944



Bld 763 and 764

School of Education
School of Business

Ash Coleman

6051 9830



Bld 751, 752, 753, 754

C.D Blake Lecture Theatre
The Gums Cafe
Nowik Learning Commons
Learning and Teaching Hub

Toby Mobbs

6051 9333

9am - 5pm (M-F)


Blds 1205, 1215,
and 1220

The Grange,
Strategic Planning and Information
CD Blake Auditorium and Gym

Alex Jewell (senior first aid officer)

6338 4490



Bld 1297, Bld 1285, Bld 1286

Centre for Professional Development
Learning and Teaching Services

Shane O'Brien

6338 4084



Bld 1292, Bld 1295,
Bld 1420

Laboratory Services Unit
Wammarra Teaching Spaces
Science Laboratories (beside Printery) 
Science Laboratories (beside bistro)
Clinical Simulation Centre

Ben Cooke,
Jason Poposki,
Archana Buttsworth

6338 4326
6338 4817
6338 4381



Bld 1292

Teaching Facility

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633

Bathurst Bld 1293 Sheila Swain Building Astra Kamilic 6338 4546 


Bld 1294

Dobbin Building

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633

Bathurst Bld 1298 Religious Centre Emmett Berry

6338 6342



Bld 1305

Charles Sturt Engineering

Shahid Ramzan

6338 6302



Blds 1306, 1309,
and 1340

Dairyman's Cottage, Fleet Services,
and Grounds Maintenance.

Cliff Jackson

0447 479 396

Bathurst Bld 1395, 1396, 1431,1432 Founders Cottage, Call Centre, Allen House and Connected Learning Space Vacant - contact security1800 931 633 


Blds 1399, 1400,
and 1401

(School of Communication and Creative Industries
and Curriculum Centre)

Anthony Wallis

6338 6330

Bathurst Bld 1410 Phillips Building Hannah Hart6338 4217 
Bathurst Bld 1411 Mansfield Building Emmett Berry 6338 6342 


Bld  1412

Truskett Library

Andrew Press

6338 6535 


Bld 1413

Student Amenities Centre

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633



Bld 1414

Mason Building
(Dining Hall and Charlies Store)

Joshua Cutler

6338 4105



Bld 1430

Heffron Building


1800 931 633



Blds 1433, 1434,
and 1454

Frangopoulos Building, Ponton Theatre, and

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633



Blds 1435, 1448,
and 1449

Cunningham Building, Public Health
and Public Health - Teaching.

Donna Bateup

0421 933 005



Blds 1460 and 1470

Dental and Oral Health Clinic
Ochre/ Allied Health Clinic

Marion Bird

6338 6512



Blds 851, 852, 860
and 3018
Blackall Street

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

Campus Staff

6272 6201



Bld 3000
Brisbane Avenue

Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security

Deborah Moore

6272 6246



Blds 901 - 905,
920 - 922,
930 - 938,
and 981

All Areas Dubbo campus

Maryanne Podham

6885 7328



Building 910

Dental and Oral Health Clinic

Polly (Kirsty) McDonald

6885 7406

Goulburn All of Campus All of Campus Demelza Carroll 4824 2934 
Goulburn All of Campus All of Campus Amanda Hunt 4824 2517 



Division of Facilities Management
Cellar Door

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633



Blds 1008, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1019, 1075

Administration / Academic Office, RJ Napier Building, and Community Health

Mark Chapman

6365 7672

Orange Bld 1075 Ingold House (Residence Life) Kylie Trotter 0437 793 795 


Bld 1006

Dental Teaching (School of Dentistry and Health Sciences)

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633



Bld 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005

Bar / Bistro / Gym / Kitchen
Administration Office
Lecture Theatre
Library / Laboratory

David Anderson
(Senior First Aid Officer)

6365 7593



Bld 1002, 1003,  1017, 1005

Experiential Learning Centre, Pharmacy,
Research Laboratory, Library/Laboratory

Carina Sharp

6365 7848


Port Macquarie

Blds 801, 802

Pitkin House, Learning and Teaching

Ben Anderson

6582 9445


Port Macquarie

Blds 801, 802

Pitkin House, Learning and Teaching

Jodi Newman

6582 9321


Port Macquarie

Blds 801, 802

Pitkin House, Learning and Teaching

Adrian Lankester

6584 1521


Wagga Wagga

Blds 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006

Academic Offices,  AgriPark Partner Workspace, Office Accommodation, Brian Cornish Hall,  Agritech Incubator Hub

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633


Wagga Wagga

Bld 010

David Morrell Laboratories
Nursing and Indigenous Health

Kylie-Jayne Power

6933 2274


Wagga Wagga

Blds 011, 012, 014

Lecture Unit, Keith Swan Theatre, and Wal Fife Theatre

Paul Drake

6933 2846


Wagga Wagga

Bld 013

William Merrylees Library
(CRAVE, Library, and Student Administration)

Kalindi Fox

02 6933 2112


Wagga Wagga

Bld 015

Jack Cross Centre

Paul Drake

6933 2846


Wagga Wagga

Bld 016

Science Laboratories

Kylie-Jayne Power

6933 2274


Wagga Wagga

Blds 018, 019, 020

Student Services, Ngunggilanha First Nations,  Student Amenities Centre

Dana Bryon

6933 2021


Wagga Wagga

Blds 021, 023

Comms and Creative Industries, Fine Arts

Myf Clark

6933 4597

Wagga Wagga Blds 026, 027 Philip Marchant Hall, and Henry Gardiner Hall Patrick McKenzie 6933 4763 

Wagga Wagga

Blds 028, 029

Edwin Brooks Hall and Research House

Loren Roy

6933 2481


Wagga Wagga

Bld 030

Dentistry and Health Sciences

Jacqui Prior

6933 4899


Wagga Wagga

Blds 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076

Performing Arts TV, Performing Arts Drama, Performing Arts Audio, HV Switch Room/ WS Pump House, Aspect Riverina School, Aspect - Amenities, and  Aspect - Offices.

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633


Wagga Wagga

Blds 106, 107, 109, 111, 121, 165, 148

Workshop,  Agriculture Storage Shed,
Shearing Shed, Field Study Unit,  Riverina Equestrian Centre, Cattle Yards and Office, and
Rhizolysimeter Research
(Agriculture Avenue)

Vacant – contact security

1800 931 633 

Wagga Wagga

Bld 110 1,2,3,4 Troy Whitford

6933 2396


Wagga Wagga

Blds 130, 131, 132, 137

Willett Veterinary Clinical Centre,
Reproduction, Stalls, and Large Animal Ward Stables

Eilis Sheahan

6933 4067 


Wagga Wagga

Bld 163

Farm Headquarters

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633


Wagga Wagga

Bld 229

Graham Building

Sarah Foley

6933 4479


Wagga Wagga

Blds 209, 230

Joyes Hall, Convention Centre / Atkins Hall

Lynda Ryan

6932 0194


Wagga Wagga

Blds 252, 253, 261, 262

Facilities Management Operations Office and Central Store
Facilities Maintenance
Grounds Maintenance
Fleet and Services

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633


Wagga Wagga

Blds 263, 264, 289

Engineering Building,  Science Lab Craftsman,
National Life Sciences Hub (NALSH)

Danyon Reardon

0428 566 615


Wagga Wagga

Blds 265, 266, 268, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286

Glass House,  Sutherland Lab Glass House West,
Sutherland Laboratories, Crop Physiology and Soils Research Laboratory, Farrer Centre,
Sutherland Labs Glasshouse North,
Phytotron, Sutherland Labs Glasshouse East
Agronomy Laboratory, Ag and Wine Sciences.

Jack Maloney

6933 2138


Wagga Wagga

Blds 288, 290, 294, 295, 296

Biomedical Sciences
Pre-Clinical Veterinary Laboratory (PCC)
Regional Veterinary Laboratory
Veterinary Diagnostic Labs
Animal holding area

Felicity Stanley

6933 4538


Wagga Wagga

Blds 276, 279, 277, 278

Recreation Centre
Gymnasium / Pool
John Biddle Sports Centre
Rowlinson Squash and Tennis Courts

Lee Mottee

6933 2276


Wagga Wagga

Blds 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410

Food Technology
Winery Field Store
CB Blake Experimental Winery
AG and Wine Sciences
Winery Warehouse
Gulbali Wine Science Laboratory
Viticulture Glasshouse
Vineyard Machinery Shed
Booranga Writers' Centre
National Wine and Grape Industry Centre
Wagga Wagga Writers

John Clark

6933 4396


Wagga Wagga

Blds 411, 452

AgriPark Industry Complex
Student Residences Admin and Amenities

Vacant - contact security

1800 931 633


Wagga Wagga

Bld 460

Charlies Store

Alicia McCaig (CSCS)
Michelle Sheather (CSCS)

0428 037 828
6933 4984


Wagga Wagga

Blds 473, 474

AgriPark Partner Workspace

Natalie Ellis

6933 2048


Wagga Wagga

Blds 482, 483, 484, 485

Facilities Management
Charles Sturt Dispatch
AgriPark - Genetic Hub
Charles Sturt Dispatch Warehouse

Collin James

6933 2277

Wagga Wagga

Blds 475, 476

James Hagan Court

Andrew Cox

6933 2924


Wagga Wagga

Blds 480, 481

David Asimus Court

Natalie Ellis

6933 2048


Wagga Wagga

Bld 540

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Natalie McCaig

6933 4706


Wagga Wagga

Bld 3009

Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation

Vacant  - contact security

1800 931 633


The University has a number of defibrillators on our campuses should CPR be required.

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable and easy-to-operate medical device that analyses an unconscious victim’s heart rhythm and automatically delivers an electric shock if they are having a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

An AED will not deliver a shock unless its built in computer detects a shockable heart rhythm.
AEDs are provided for use by Charles Sturt University and Charles Sturt - affiliated first aid trained personnel to assist in the resuscitation of staff, students, contractors and visitors as necessary.

Anyone can use these devices by following the instructions- in the first instance by opening the lid of the AED and pushing it back till it locks and follow the voice and text prompts.
Please call 000 in the event of a SCA or any other emergency. All uses of the AEDs must be reported to Charles Sturt University Work Safety and Health Unit via an incident report.

The device carries out a self-test on a daily basis, and should there be any issues with the unit, it will bleep to advise you it needs checking.

The defibrillator will either tell you that the pads need changing, due to being close to expiry, or that the batteries need changing. If you identify any faults with the product please alert the Work Health and Safety Unit -

There is a twice-yearly maintenance and service contract on all defibrillators.

Campus Location of UnitBuilding/Rm
Bathurst Charles Sturt Security Patrol Vehicle In Vehicle
Bathurst Dental Clinic – Recovery Room Bld.1460/ Room 208
Bathurst Ochre Medical centre- treatment Room Bld.1470/Room 188
Bathurst Learning Commons / Library Bld.1412/ Near Panel
Bathurst Sports Complex/ Gymnasium O/S office- Near Panel
Bathurst Pulse/ Foodbowl Bld.1414 Foodbowl wall
Orange Learning Commons /Library Bld.1005 / Room
Orange Dental Clinic – Recovery Room Bld.1006/ Rm 121
Dubbo Learning Commons/Lobby Bld. 901/ Lobby
Dubbo Dental Clinic – Recovery Room Bld.910/ Room 222
Port Macquarie Learning Commons Bld. 801/Room
Wagga Sports Complex/Gymnasium Bld.279/ Reception
Wagga Charles Sturt Security Patrol Vehicle In Vehicle
Wagga Wagga Dental Clinic - Recovery Room Bld. 030/Room 126
Wagga Wagga Hub / Crow Bar Bld.20 HUB- behind counter
Wagga Wagga Student Dining Room Bld.230/ Dining Hall
Wagga Wagga Learning Commons/ library Bld.13/ Café area
Wagga Wagga Vet Enterprises- Equine science classroom Bld.129-science classroom
Wagga Wagga Nalsh Bld.111/ Foyer
Albury Charles Sturt Security Patrol Vehicle In Vehicle
Albury Dental Clinic - Recovery Room Bld. 670/ Room 231
Albury Peter Till Laboratories Bld. 666/Room 216
Albury CEW- Community Engagement & Wellness Centre Bld. 715/ Room 159
Albury Learning Commons / Library Bld.753/ Foyer

Transporting injured or sick staff, students and visitors

Serious or life-threatening illness or injury

If somebody has a serious illness or injury, you should contact your nearest first aid officer. If they think the casualty needs an ambulance, they should:

  • dial 000 (from a fixed line phone) or 112 (from a mobile phone)
    • ask for an ambulance
    • describe the nature of the illness or injury
    • state the number of casualties
    • describe the location of the casualty, and place to meet the ambulance
  • arrange for security to meet the ambulance.

Do not transport seriously injured or ill staff or visitors in your own personal vehicle.

Where the illness or injury is not serious or life-threatening

If the illness or injury is not serious, the injured or sick person may:

  • arrange for a family member or friend to collect them
  • transport themselves home or to the doctor in their own vehicle, if well enough

When an injured person cannot wear a seat belt, you must call an ambulance.

You can send questions about first aid, or first aid training, to