Special Consideration for Admission - Access scheme

Charles Sturt University is committed to providing equitable access to ensure students can fully participate and succeed with us regardless of their background.

We recognise that there may be reasons beyond your control that have impacted your ability to prepare for university.

This may be related to your financial circumstances, educational background, or family circumstances.  Our access schemes take these things into consideration.

There are 28 specific disadvantages that are considered under the Educational Access Scheme. They are grouped into nine broad categories for special consideration.

Before you begin

Closing Dates

At least 5 weeks prior to applicable session*

*Except where a course has an early closing date for applications (Oral Health, Pharmacy, Vet Science, Engineering and Dental Science) where special consideration applications must also be submitted by the same date as that courses enrolment form/supplementary application forms.

Get familiar with these related policies prior to submission

  1. Admissions policy
  2. Admission procedure
  3. Admission entry requirements (Coursework) procedure

There are 28 specific disadvantages that are considered under the Educational Access Scheme. You may indicate as many categories as necessary, however supporting documentation must be attached.

For full descriptions of statements and documentation required, please see EAS categories of disadvantage and required documents website.

Make sure:

  • you provide originals or certified copies of supporting documentation where applicable
  • supporting statements need to include relevant information to your circumstances, within the limits of confidentiality, and should:
    • be written on official letterhead (where applicable)
    • include the supporting person's name, contact details, provider or registration number (if applicable) and signature (digital signature is fine)
    • the duration/ timeframes of your circumstances
    • degree of impact
    • the date the statement was written and signed.

There are limitations on file uploads:

  • The maximum document size is 3MB per document.
  • Avoid using special characters in file names like : + ! & # % ^ * ? @ = / \ | ` ; ~ ,
  • The preferred file type is PDF, the document file types available are PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, JPEG, RTF, BMP or PNG.
  • Unfortunately we cannot accept compressed (ZIP) files.

Note: Applications with incorrect or no supporting documentation will be deemed ineligible.

Submit form

This form usually takes between 5-10 minutes to complete.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
Date of birth *

Course study mode (if known)
Reason for special consideration
Type of disadvantage * You may indicate as many categories as necessary, relevant to your circumstance/s, however supporting documentation must be attached. For full descriptions of statements and documentation required, please see EAS categories of disadvantage and required documents website.
Describe how your circumstances affected your previous educational performance, including dates and timeframes.
The information you supply on the form will be made available only to those members of staff who need access to it in order to carry out their duties in accordance with Charles Sturt University’s privacy policy.
Upload your educational impact statement (written by your school principal, counsellor, year adviser, careers adviser), supporting documentation as provided by the EAS website, and any other relevant information to your request.
The maximum document size is 3MB. We cannot accept ZIP files.
This upload is optional and only required if you've used the maximum document size above.
The maximum document size is 3MB. We cannot accept ZIP files.
This upload is optional and only required if you've used the maximum document size above.
The maximum document size is 3MB. We cannot accept ZIP files.
Privacy and authorisation * Personal and health information provided for the administration of SCA scheme is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).The information collected will only be used by authorised staff to assess eligibility and administer the SCA.
Students should be aware that they provide information of their own free will. Personal information provided by you will not be made available to any person within the University or any person or organisation outside the University for any other purpose without the student’s consent, except where the University may be legally required to do so. Students may access their personal information to ensure that it is not inaccurate, irrelevant to the purpose for which it was collected, misleading, incomplete or out-of-date.
Please review our Privacy and your information page for further information.
Please tick the boxes to indicate you have read and understood the statement.
Date *

If you have any issues uploading your documentation, please email the documents you can't upload to admissions@csu.edu.au after submitting your request.