Teaching Questionnaire

Additional Selection Criteria

Submit this questionnaire as part of your application for a teaching course.

There are four questions about your motivation and suitability for teaching. You must answer all four questions to be considered for selection to the course.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Course Selection

You need to have a completed undergraduate degree to be eligible for the Bachelor of Teaching or Master of Teaching.

As you're not eligible to apply for this course, please use our course explorer to find the right education and teaching course for you:

Education Course Explorer

There is a higher English language requirement for the course you're applying for, therefore you may need to complete an IELTS or ISLPR test.

Please refer to our course entry requirements page for minimum English language requirements.

Your details
Leave blank if unknown

In 100 words describe what and/or who has inspired you to become a teacher and outline the types of skills and abilities you will bring to teaching.
In 100 words describe how these leadership, community and/or learning and development activities demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills.
In 100 words provide examples of how you have put both your planning and coordinating skills to use.
In 100 words explain what you learned, demonstrating your conscientiousness and coping strategies when you are faced with challenges regardless of whether the outcome you achieved was positive or undesirable.

Teaching Area Selection

When you submit your application you'll need to select which teaching area you wish to apply for.

These teaching areas can be adjusted later if you change your mind or are unsure. By completing this section now you'll help us place you in your chosen field.

You'll need a completed undergraduate degree in the disciplines that you're applying for, and these units must match the subject content knowledge requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority [PDF].

We can also assess your application for other teaching areas in case you don't meet the entry requirements.