Alexandra Catherine Henderson Memorial Prize

When Alexandra Henderson lost her life in a farm accident in July 2017 she had just started her studies at Charles Sturt. She was enrolled in the Equine Science course and intended to complete some wildlife managements units as well as she combined her interest in conservation and social justice with her passion for horses and riding. In March 2017, Alexandra spent time at Antelope Park in Zimbabwe where she was able to work with horses and wildlife, including lions on the property as part of a rehabilitation program in place. She thoroughly enjoyed her time there, and was preparing her own application to return to Africa via the Charles Sturt Global Africa Experience in 2017. Alexandra was a person who was determined to have a positive impact on the world, and by enabling other students to learn and do the work she wanted to do herself, her family will be able to enable her to fulfil her goals even though she will not be here to savour them.

Fund Goal $60,000

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