The Hon. Michael Kirby Empowerment Scholarship
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of LGBTQIA+ students? These students often face unique challenges, including signitficant stress, a lack of belonging and poor mental health compared to their cisgender and heterosexual peers.
The Hon Michael Kirby AO Empowerment Scholarship, a collaborative initiative between the Charles Sturt Foundation and the Charles Sturt Ally Network, is designed to help LGBTQIA+ students overcome barriers and thrive in their educational journey.
Your contribution to the scholarship will directly impact the lives of LGBTQIA+ students, offering them the opportunity to excel academically and personally.
Join us in making a lasting impact. Together we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQIA+ students.

I support the initiative of the Ally Network of Charles Sturt University for the establishment of the Empowerment Scholarship of the University created in my name.
The scholarship will provide empowerment to support LGBTIQ students of Charles Sturt University.
I was proud on 30 May 2024, at Bathurst NSW, to receive Honorary Degree of Doctor of Charles Sturt University. During my visit I learned of the hopes and objectives of students. I support their ambition to build a future that is more accepting for LGBTIQ and other minorities.
When I arrived at Sydney University in 1956, I was awarded a University Bursary. It made a big difference in my life. I have never forgotten the opportunities it opened up for me.
It will be the same with the Michael Kirby Empowerment Scholarship. Most university students need support and encouragement. With tax deductible contributions to Charles Sturt Foundation in favour of the Hon. Michael Kirby Empowerment Scholarship, to which I will contribute, help will be offered to those in need. I encourage all who can, to help needy students to build a better society.