Previous submissions

2022 Submissions

Inquiries, reviews and consultations

Review of the ARC Act 2001

On 30 August 2022 the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education announced an independent review into the Australian Research Council Act 2001 considering the role and purpose of the Australian Research Council within the university research system so it can meet current and future needs.

The Review is considering how the ARC’s legislation can be developed to provide clarity on objectives and processes to drive renewed focus within the organisation. The Review is also considering whether the scope of the current legislation is sufficient to support an effective and efficient university research system and provide recommendations.

The ARC Review Panel release a consultation paper on 9 November and invited public submissions.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

The ARC Review Panel will provide the Minister for Education with a Final Report with recommendations in the second quarter of 2023.

Draft National Teacher Workforce Action Plan

On 3 November the Minister for Education, Jason Clare, released the Draft Teacher Workforce Action plan promised at the Education Ministers meeting and associated teacher workforce roundtable in August 2022.

The draft Plan involved 28 actions across six priority areas. The Department invited feedback on the proposed action via a web form.  Our office sought feedback from the relevant staff in the School of Education and put together a submission.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities feedback can be found here.

On 15 December 2022, Education Ministers agreed on a National Teacher Workforce Action Plan which can be found here.

Making national biosecurity funding sustainable

On 1 November 2022, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry launched a consultation to “to strengthen our biosecurity system by making sure it is agile and supported by long-term sustainable funding and resourcing” – with an emphasis on ‘funding and resourcing”.  A discussion paper focused on the below consultation questions:

  • Considering the potential funding options and opportunities above, as well as from your experience, what elements do you think a sustainable biosecurity funding model should include? Are there elements that should not be included; if so, why?
  • How would your proposed model operate at a practical level and who would it apply to?
  • How would your proposed model impact you and others? What would be the benefits or disadvantages to you and/or other stakeholders?
  • Is the proportionality between those who contribute to the funding system and those who benefit the most, right?
  • Are there other technologies, current or emerging, that could be employed to increase the efficiency of the biosecurity system, and perhaps reduce operational cost?
  • How could the Commonwealth Government improve efficiency in the biosecurity system (consistent with meeting our Appropriate Level of Protection)?
  • What other investments or actions could the Commonwealth Government make or take to sustainably support the delivery of biosecurity activities?

30 submissions were received, as well as some confidential submissions which were not published.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

Recommendations will be presented to the Commonwealth Government in 2023.

Inquiry into food security in Australia

On 26 October, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator the Hon Murray Watt, asked the House Standing Committee on Agriculture to undertake an inquiry to report on food security in Australia, including:

  • National production, consumption and export of food;
  • Access to key inputs such as fuel, fertiliser and labour, and their impact on production costs;
  • The impact of supply chain distribution on the cost and availability of food; and
  • The potential opportunities and threats of climate change on food production in Australia.

163 submissions were received, and public hearings commenced in November 2022 and continue.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

Startup Year

The Department of Education sought Stakeholders’ views on the development of a Startup Year program and on 29 September 2022 announced the commencement of the Startup Year consultation process.

The Australian Government committed to implementing Startup Year, a new income contingent loan program to support student participation in accelerator programs at Australian higher education providers.  The Startup Year program is intended to build a pool of knowledgeable new entrepreneurs and potential new companies to drive innovation and job creation in Australia and grow much-needed links between higher education providers, industry and the Startup community.

Interested parties were invited to contribute their perspectives, via a consultation paper, on the development of the program, including program eligibility and design.

The Department of Education also sought views from current students and recent graduates, as potential Startup Year program participants, to better understand how this program should be designed to best meet the needs of students with an idea they want to explore.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

The department will finalise the policy settings for Startup Year based on responses provided through the consultation process. Implementation of the program is subject to legislative change.

Adequacy of Australia’s biosecurity measures and response preparedness, in particular with respect to foot-and-mouth disease

On 28 July 2022, the Senate referred the above matter to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report on:

  • the adequacy of Australia’s biosecurity measures and response preparedness, in particular with respect to foot-and-mouth disease and varroa mite;
  • response to and implementation of previous reports into biosecurity; and
  • any related matters.

105 submissions were received, and public hearings were held from August through November 2022.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

The Senate released a report on the issue in December 2022 which can be found here.

Technology and the agriculture and mining sectors

In November 2021 the Committee commenced an inquiry to identify the opportunities for regional NSW presented by

agriculture and mining technologies and innovations, and to examine barriers and possible measures to support the take up and use of technology.

The University made a submission and as part of the inquiry, committee members visited Charles Sturt's Wagga Wagga campus on 29 June 2022. The visit included a tour of University facilities, discussions with staff and students, and a roundtable meeting with local businesses.  Representatives of the University gave evidence to the inquiry at a public hearing on 27 July 2022.

A copy of Charles Sturt Universities submission can be found here.

The Legislative Assembly releases their final report on 8 November 2022 which can be found here.

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2021 Submissions

Inquiries, reviews and consultations

Regional health

In January 2021 the University made a submission to a NSW Legislative Council inquiry on Health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales. The submission highlights the University's role in training the regional health workforce, and sets out a case for additional places and support for Charles Sturt's new Joint Program in Medicine.

Representatives of Charles Sturt University gave evidence at a public hearing of the inquiry on 10 September 2021.

The final report from the inquiry was released on 5 April 2022. It includes several references to the University's submission and evidence, with some issues raised by Charles Sturt addressed in the inquiry's recommendations. The NSW Government response to the report, tabled on 1 September 2022, accepts the inquiry's recommendations in full or in principle, and commits to working with universities and others to increase the supply of GPs and specialists in regional areas, and partner with universities to improve relationships with regional communities and health care professionals.

International education

In May 2021 Charles Sturt made a submission on the Australian Government's draft Strategy for International Education 2021-2030. The submission focuses on the need to rebuild Australia's international education sector, in part through better coordination between universities and government agencies. More flexible working arrangements for international students and clearer pathways to post-graduation residency and employment are essential, especially for addressing workforce needs in regional areas.

Research commercialisation

The University's submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment consultation on research commercialisation argues for better recognition of and support for the extensive links between Charles Sturt and regional industries and employers.

The University has a critical role in meeting the research needs of regional communities and industries, in health, education, agriculture, engineering and many other fields. A narrow focus on research that leads to commercial outcomes through patents, for example, puts at risk the kind of mutually beneficial relationships that characterise much of Charles Sturt's linkages with industry.

The submission also argues for more stable policy and funding arrangements for research and for industry linkages, to allow universities and industries to develop the kind of long-term relationships that provide the most benefit to Australia.

Higher education regulation and standards

Charles Sturt has provided feedback to the Tertiary Education Standards and Quality Agency (TEQSA) on a draft legislative instrument on the assessment of research quality in universities.

The University recommended use of existing data collections in research assessments, a more flexible approach that recognises differences between disciplines, and better alignment between research performance assessment and Australian Government policy goals, such as increasing the commercialisation of research.

The final determination came into effect in July 2021.

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2020 Submissions

Inquiries and reviews

Job Ready Graduates

The University provided feedback on the exposure draft of the legislation to give effect to the Government's proposals for reforms to higher education funding, Job-ready Graduates. The Acting Vice-Chancellor issued a statement on the reform proposals when they were announced in June.

The legislation was referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment for a short inquiry. Charles Sturt provided input to a RUN submission to the Committee.

The legislation passed the House of Representatives on 8 October 2020.

Charles Sturt also made a submission to a departmental consultation on the National Priorities and Industry Linkages Fund, part of the Job-ready Graduates package.

Future of Tertiary Education in NSW

in August 2020 Charles Sturt provided a submission to the NSW Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education inquiry into the Future Development of the NSW Tertiary Education Sector.

The Acting Vice-Chancellor and the Acting Provost gave evidence to the inquiry at a public hearing on 7 September 2020, along with the University of New England.

The final report of from the inquiry was published on 22 January 2021. The report makes several references to the University's submission and to the evidence presented by the Acting VC and Provost.

Impact of COVID-19 on education and Charles Sturt's response to the pandemic

The University contributed to a RUN submission to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Engagement), Professor Helen Cavanagh, appeared before the Committee with the Chair of RUN on 28 July 2020. We also provided a response to Questions on Notice.

Matters affecting Regional Australia

Charles Sturt contributed to a RUN submission to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Regional Australia inquiry into Regional Australia.

The Vice-Chancellor gave evidence to the Committee at a public hearing on 21 May 2020, as part of a joint appearance by RUN. The University also contributed to a RUN response to Questions on Notice.

Higher education regulation - Provider Category Standards

In April 2020 Charles Sturt provided a submission to the Higher Education Standards Panel on proposals to amend the Higher Education Standards Framework Provider Category Standards.

In October 2020 the legislation to give effect to the new Provider Category Standards was referred to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment Legislation Committee for an inquiry. The University's submission to the inquiry was cited five times in the final report.

The legislation passed both Houses on 18 February 2021, and received Royal Assent on 1 March.

Rural, Regional and Remote Education

In March 2020 the University made a submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training inquiry into Education in Remote and Complex Environments.

In June we provided a follow-up submission after the Committee requested more information on the impact of COVID-19.

The Acting Provost, Professor Janelle Wheat, gave evidence to the Committee at a public hearing on 26 August 2020, along with representatives of other higher education organisations.

The University's submissions and evidence were cited 12 times in the inquiry report.

Research - the R&D Tax Incentive

In March 2020 the University provided a submission on the Treasury Laws Amendment (Research and Development Tax Incentive) 2019 Bill to an inquiry by the Senate Standing Committee on Economics Legislation Committee.

Higher education regulation - Student Identifiers

In January 2020 the University made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry into the Student Identifiers Amendment (Enhanced Student Permissions) Bill 2019.

National Agricultural Workforce Strategy

During 2020 the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment undertook consultations towards the development of a National Agricultural Workforce Strategy. The University's submission to the Department focused on agriculture teaching and research at Charles Sturt, enrolment trends, changing demographics in the agriculture workforce, changing agricultural practice and management, and the need for adaptability and resilience. The submission was cited three times in the final strategy, along with several papers by Charles Sturt researchers.

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2019 Submissions

Title of SubmissionStatus
5G Mobile Network Technology Submitted
Accelerating Research and Development In New South Wales Submitted
Australia's 2020 Cyber Security Strategy - A call for views Submitted
Education Legislation and Amendment Bill 2019 AND The VET Loans Bill 2019 and Higher Education Support Bill 2019 (Provisions) Submitted
Growing Australian Agriculture To $100 Billion By 2030 Submitted
Improving Retention, Completion and Success In Higher Education Submitted
Jobs For The Future In Regional Areas Submitted
Matters Affecting Regional Australia Submitted
Migration In Regional Australia Submitted
Modernising The Research and Development Corporation System Submitted
Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy Submitted
New Skilled Regional Visa (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019 Submitted
Redistribution Pool For Medical Commonwealth Supported Places Submitted
Support For Drought Affected Communities In New South Wales Submitted
University Foreign Interference Taskforce Input Into Draft Guidelines Submitted
Regional, Rural and Remote Education Strategy Framing Paper Submitted
Performance Based Funding for the Commonwealth Grants Scheme Submitted
Consultation Paper on the Reallocation of Commonwealth Supported Places for Enabling, Sub-Bachelor and Postgraduate Courses Submitted
Review of the Higher Education Provider Category Standards Submitted
Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework Published
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Prohibiting Academic Cheating Services) Bill 2019 Submitted

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2018 Submissions

Title of SubmissionStatus
Efficacy of Current Regulation of Australian Migration Agents Published
Future Proof: Protecting Australians through Education and Skills (Business Council of Australia)   Published
Electoral Disclosure and Foreign Interference Laws: Issues Brief Published
Inquiry into the Future of Work and Workers Published
Inquiry into Defence industry in New South Wales: Discussion Paper Released Published
Closing the Gap - Next Phase - Submission Development Published
Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (Student Loan Sustainability) Bill 2018 Published
Professional Accreditation in Higher Education - Consultation on the Implementation of Recommendations  Published
Aboriginal Heritage Bill Submitted
Inquiry into the indicators of, and impact of, regional inequality in Australia Published
Arts Copyright Modernisation Submission Published
Australia’s Post-Secondary Education System in Australia Received
Constitutional Recognition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 2018 Published

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2017 Submissions

Title of SubmissionStatus
Inquiry into Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017 Published
Improving Completion, Retention and Success in Higher Education Discussion Paper Published
Inquiry into Perinatal Services in Victoria Published
Inquiry into New South Wales: Strong, Smart and Connected Defence and Industry Strategy 2017 Published
Inquiry into School to Work Transition Published
Inquiry into The operation, effectiveness, and consequences of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Location of Corporate Commonwealth Entities) Order 2016 Published
Inquiry into Regional Development and Decentralisation Published
Public consultation on a revised English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Standards Submitted
Regional, Rural and Remote Education Published
Reforms to Modernise Australia's Visa System Published

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2016 Submissions

Title of SubmissionStatus
Inquiry into Innovation and Creativity: Workforce for the New Economy Published
Review of the impact of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth) (the TEQSA Act) on the higher education sector Submitted
Driving Innovation, Fairness and Excellence in Australia Education Published 
Inquiry into Australia's Future in Research and Innovation Published
Inquiry into the Future Role and Contribution of Regional Capitals to Australia Published

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