About us

Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Futures Institute (AICF) is a new research institute at Charles Sturt University that aims to become a world-class research centre of excellence in data science, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

Our aim

We aim to pursue the agenda of regional discovery, showing how AI developed ‘off the beaten track’ and ‘in the wild’ can better serve not only rural and regional communities, but society as a whole, creating a new comparative advantage for Australia internationally.

A rural and regional focus

Current work in the area of data science and AI happens primarily in large cities, which makes the production of research outcomes particularly relevant for people, algorithms, and complex systems located in large metropolitan areas. Yet, according to the United Nations, 3.4 billion people live in rural areas. These people are currently unable to enjoy the benefits of data-driven research as technologies, which work in large cities, but are not always operational, effective, and, most importantly, relevant, for regional communities.

Bathurst racetrackAICF will explore how regional and rural data, data-driven tools, practices developed based on these data and tools, as well as systems that combine human-machine interactions in non-urban environments can be developed, enhanced and popularised to benefit society as a whole. Such data, tools, practices, and systems, due to their inherently inclusive, diverse, and sustainable nature will suggest new pathways to:

  • building trustworthy data-driven systems; embedding transparent reporting practices in all AI-related research
  • promoting inclusive interoperable AI design relevant not only to cities but also to rural areas
  • maintaining ethical integrity of AI-driven designs, which should not exploit rural populations for the benefit of urban systems
  • encouraging respectful co-creation between regions and cities.

The AICF will seek to discover possible, feasible, and desirable regional futures, by advancing data science, artificial intelligence, and cyber security research to achieve a positive change in complex regional environments. The core principle of the AICF is research excellence, which implies having the best talent focused on challenging problems, working with dedication, integrity, sophistication, and responsibility.

Our purpose

Our aim is to develop a centre of excellence in regional NSW. We'll do this by:

  • building trustworthy data-driven systems and embedding transparent reporting practices in all AI-related research
  • promoting inclusive interoperable AI design relevant not only to cities, but also to rural areas
  • maintaining ethical integrity of AI-driven designs, which should not exploit rural populations for the benefit of urban systems
  • encouraging respectful co-creation between regions and cities.

Our objectives


Advance research in AI for Regional Futures

Innovate and develop world-class research in data science, artificial intelligence, and cyber security.

We'll do this with a regional AI flavour that supports next generation theoretical developments for society as a whole.


Translate the research to address real-world problems

Ensuring that the Institute’s research is co-created with practitioners and applied to real-world problems, generating the establishment of new businesses, services, and jobs.


Train academic and industrial leaders of the future

Train the next generation of data science, AI, and cyber security academics and practitioners with the necessary breadth and depth of technical and ethical skills to match the Australia’s growing industrial and societal needs.


Position Charles Sturt University as a leader in AI and cyber security research for regional discovery

Develop and highlight the unique expertise of Charles Sturt University in regional and rural AI data, tools, practices, and systems.


Lead the public conversation in AI for Regional Futures

Through agenda-setting research, public engagement, and expert technical advice, drive new and innovative ideas which have a significant influence on industry, government, regulation, or societal views. This includes having an impact on how data science and artificial intelligence research is undertaken in Australia and internationally.