Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Valuable global perspective at IRRI

Ploughing a rice field using a carabao, A training program in the Philippines has given Functional Grains Centre PhD student Rachael Wood greater insight into global food security and reinforced her passion for agricultural research.

Ms Wood was awarded a scholarship by the NSW Crawford Fund to attend the rice production training program at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in August.

She said the three-week program was full of memorable experiences.

“I had the opportunity to plough a rice field using a carabao, a domestic water buffalo native to the Philippines, and to hike among the rice terraces of Banaue,” Ms Wood said.

Rice terraces“Another memorable part of the trip was getting to know all the other participants in the course.”

Ms Wood’s PhD research is investigating how practices on Australian rice farms influence rice grain quality. Read more here

She said the program in the Philippines has broadened her understanding of rice production.

“Participating in the course has improved my knowledge of the global rice industry and the issues farmers face around the world.

“Everyone at the International Rice Research Institute is working towards a common goal of trying to address global food security.

“Taking part in their course made me want to continue to be involved in agricultural research, particularly in an important food source such as rice,” Ms Wood said.

Rachael Wood says it was a memorable tripPhD student Rachael Wood with other IRRI participants


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