Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Celebrating FGC graduates

Honours graduate Gideon Kang and familyThe achievements of four PhD and four Honours research graduates have been recognised in a Charles Sturt University graduation ceremony on Monday 16 December 2019.

FGC Director Professor Chris Blanchard said it is an important milestone for the graduates and the Centre.

Dr Rachael Wood and Professor Chris Blanchard“The research conducted by some of these graduates has increased our knowledge about the potential therapeutic benefits of coloured grains for diseases like cancer and diabetes,” Professor Blanchard said.

Dr Chris Florides“It paves the way for more research and for the development of functional foods that could benefit consumers and in turn deliver new marketing opportunities for the Australian grains industry.

“Importantly the research has also looked at what happens in the paddock and how that impacts on some of these health properties.

“Other research has delivered important information to help rice growers improve water-use efficiency and to guide plant breeders developing low allergenic wheat.”

Dr Esther Callcott an dfamilyDr Esther Callcott’s research has identified the potential for using Australian-grown coloured rice as a functional food to combat some of the health risk factors associated with obesity and lifestyle diseases. Read more

Dr Shiwangni Rao investigated the antioxidant properties of wholegrain cereals like rice, sorghum, barley and oats on colorectal cancer cells. She found potential for compounds in these cereals to kill cancer cells. Read more

Dr Chris Florides documented the allergenicity of 112 wheat cultivars grown in Australia over the last 160 years, providing important tools for plant breeders to develop varieties more suited for people with mild gluten intolerance. Read more

Dr Shiwagni RaoDr Rachael Wood’s research has found it’s possible for rice growers to reduce water use without compromising the whole grain yield, an important indicator of grain quality. She also found increasing the zinc (Zn) content of the rice through fertilisation will not affect grain quality but may improve the Zn level delivered to consumers, which could deliver benefits for human health. Read more

Honours research graduates, Mr Jack Murphy, Mr Gideon Kang, Ms Heidi Bochenek and Mr Borkwei Ed Nignpense also graduated.


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