Bruce Allworth

Professor Bruce Allworth

Livestock Systems

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


After working at Massey University and Melbourne University’s Mackinnon Project, Bruce operated a Sheep and Cattle consultancy service based in southern NSW for more than 20 years. He completed a Masters and PhD in studies on eradication of footrot, and from 1997-2003 was coordinator of the National Ovine Johne’s Disease program. He is a registered sheep veterinary specialist, and has been President of the Australian Sheep Veterinarians, and on the Board of Examiners for the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. Bruce is a wool industry representative on the CCEAD and is one of the AVA independent auditors for AWI’s Flystrike Program. Bruce works part time for the University and operates his family sheep and cattle property near Holbrook. He has also been a Diplomat for the European College of Small Ruminant Health and Management. Bruce has over 30 publications in refereed journals on footrot, worms, pestivirus, reproduction and general disease problems. Bruce established the Fred Morley Centre at CSU and more recently was the Inaugural Chair of the Sheep Sustainability Framework, which was launched in 2021. Bruce is currently Discipline lead of the vet Production Animal Group.

Ruminant disease control and productivity issues. Research focus of on-farm application including pestivirus in cattle and sheep, bloat in cattle, pain management and lamb survival. Previous work in footrot in sheep, collaboration on drone mustering, drench resistance studies in cattle.

  • Applied on farm research in sheep and cattle
  • Disease control in sheep and cattle, with special interest in ovine footrot, Johne’s Disease and pestivirus (cattle and sheep)
  • Bloat in cattle
  • Pain mitigation in sheep and cattle
  • Urolithiasis in sheep
  • Lamb survival
  • Application of robotics and remote technology on livestock farms
Full publications list on CRO

Recent publications

  • Robertson, S. M., Friend, M. A., Allworth, B., & Bhanugopan, M. (2024). Perinatal lamb survival was not reduced by grazing forage oats. Animal Production Science, 64(18), -.
  • Bates, A., McGrath, S., Allworth, B., Robertson, S., & Refshauge, G. (2023). A cross-sectional study of commercial ewe management practices for different sheep breeds across southern Australia. Animals, 13(3), [388].
  • McGrath, S., Chapman, J., Broster, J., Allworth, B., & Kelly, G. (2023). Assessment of changes in lamb activity before and after lamb marking using accelerometers. Abstract from 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress (ISVC 2023), Seville, Spain.
  • Allworth, M. B., McQuillan, M., McGrath, S. R., Wilson, C. S., & Hernandez-Jover, M. (2023). A survey on bloat in southern Australian beef production systems. Australian Veterinary Journal, 101(3), 121-126.
  • Yaxley, K. J., Reid, A., Kenworthy, C., Hossny, M., Baxter, D. P., Allworth, M. B., McGrath, S., Joiner, K. F., & Abbass, H. (2023). Building a Sky Shepherd for the future of agriculture. Smart Agricultural Technology, 3, [100137].