Grant basics

Grant applications vary from funder to funder, and in relation to the purpose of the funding round even within the same funding organisation.

They can vary in format, type of information required, level of detail required, and additional attachments required. Different funders will also have different requirements around what they will fund, such as the type of projects and/or specific project activities.

It’s important to always read the guidelines thoroughly to understand what information you’ll need to include in your grant application, and what specific project activities/items are eligible for funding.

What’s included in a grant application?

Although funding opportunities and grant applications vary, they will usually require you to respond to some or all of the following:

  • Project title
  • Abstract or executive summary
  • Statement of need or problem
  • Project description/ methodology
  • Capability of key personnel or resources
  • Organisation background/history or organisation capability
  • Outputs, milestones and reporting
  • Evaluation plan
  • Sustainability statement
  • Budget

When writing a grant application, there should be a clear connection between all sections of the application, including narratives and budget.


Writing a grant application
The Funding Centre outlines some of the questions you'll be asked every time you write a grant application.

Answers bank: Sample answers for grant applications
Funding Centre have provided a list of common questions found in grant applications and examples on how to address them.

Identifying grant funding prospects (5:44 mins)
This podcast by Strategic Grants offers suggestions for identifying potential grants beyond Google searching.

Applying for small research grants: Tips, tricks and key differences to larger grants (13:41 mins)
Michael Milford conducts interdisciplinary research between robotics, neuroscience and computer vision. In this video, he talks about applying for small research grants as a gateway to larger grants and addressing key principles including outcomes, feasibility, alignment and more.

6 steps to successful grant writing (16:26 mins) 
This video by Nonprofit Ally gives a general overview of the grant application process.