Evaluation plan

Evaluation is an important part of a grant application: it describes what success looks like for your project.

An evaluation plan is an outline of how you'll evaluate your project, what type of data you'll collect, and how often you'll collect it. Sometimes the evaluation plan is a stand-alone section of a grant application; other times, it is incorporated into other sections of the project design.

When writing your evaluation plan, think about:

  • How you’ll measure the activities, outputs, and outcomes of your project.
  • The frequency in which you’ll collect the data.
  • How you’ll share the results of your evaluation.


What funders want from measurement and evaluationThis blog post by Strategic Grants discusses measurement and evaluation from a funder's point of view, including: theory of change; evidence your approach works; alignment to the grant makers funding focus; and realistic goals for measurement.

Building compliance from the beginningHere's a list of 10 questions you should consider when developing your grant evaluation, produced by Barry Smith and Fiona Dempster from SmartyGrants.

A framework for program evaluationThe Community Tool Box provide a comprehensive explanation (with examples) of evaluation and includes a section on developing an evaluation plan.

Grant Application Writing ExamplesStrategic Grants have examples of poorly written versus well written sections of grant applications.

Episode 2: Evaluation (7:46 mins)
Strategic Grants provide tips on what to include in a project evaluation, designing your evaluation, using evaluation logic, qualitative and quantitative data, and the importance of outputs, outcomes and impact.

Planning the program evaluation (7:23 mins)
In this video, Dr Monique Parrish focuses on program evaluation particularly in health care. It discusses creating a program evaluation design, logic models and types of evaluation questions.

A guided tour through measuring outcomes (an instructional video) (28:30 mins)
This instructional video by AIFS walks you through measuring outcomes, discussing how to choose the right outcomes measure for your project, using standardised measures, and developing response scales.