Implementation plan

An implementation plan includes the activities, milestones, and deliverables within your project.

One of the best ways to show the funder when activities will occur within the project - and that the project is achievable within the given time frame - is to create a timeline or Gantt Chart. This gives the funder a visual representation of how your project is going to be implemented.

For greater transparency in your project timeline, consider including details of which project team member is responsible for each activity.

The format of your project timeline will depend on the funder's requirements. Always read the funder's guidelines carefully when developing your project timeline.


How to prepare a grant funding timeline
Beverly Browning outlines how to prepare a funding timeline and what information to include. Examples are provided.

What are the best strategies for creating a realistic grant proposal timeline?
This article shares some strategies for creating a realistic grant proposal timeline that will help you win more grants and make a positive impact in your community.

Capacity to deliver the project (11:23 mins)
This podcast by Strategic Grants talks about ensuring you have the capacity to deliver what's outlined in your grant application, including: carefully planned timeframes, identifying and mitigating risk, project evaluation and sustainability, and aiming to exceed the funder's expectations.