Gulbali Institute
Nathan Ning undertakes research on the ecology, management and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. His major interests include human impacts on rivers and wetlands (altered flow regimes, hypoxic blackwater events, acid sulfate soils), food-web dynamics (zooplankton–fish predator-prey interactions), aquatic microinvertebrate ecology, and invertebrate egg and plant seed dormancy and dispersal mechanisms. He has worked on a range of ecological projects over the last eight years, including the development of watering protocols for native fish in wetlands, investigations into the effects of various stressors on riverine microinvertebrates (drought, climate change, hypoxic blackwater events, acid sulfate soils), the development of methods to identify climate refuges in the Murray–Darling Basin, and an assessment of the biophysical and community impacts of improved fish passage in Lao PDR.