Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences
Dr Nicole McCasker is a freshwater ecologist research fellow at Gulbali Research Institute. Nicole’s research explores the early-life stages of freshwater fish, ecosystem responses to environmental water, and the functional role of freshwater mussels in riverine landscapes.
Over the last 15 years Nicole has worked in an array of riverine and floodplain environments throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. She has a decade of experience in contributing to large multi-disciplinary, multi-stake holder projects which monitor and evaluate ecological responses to environmental water delivery.
Since her time at CSU Nicole has contributed as a chief investigator to projects worth over $7.6 million. She was a recipient of the Vice-chancellor’s Team Award for Research Excellence in 2016, and has held both research and teaching positions at CSU since 2011. Nicole continues to enjoy supervising honours and higher degree students.