Asad Asaduzzaman

Dr Asad (Md) Asaduzzaman

Weed Scientist and Crop Digital Agronomy

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


Asad started his academic career at one of the oldest agricultural institution in South Asia, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He was awarded the Crawford Fund Australia in 2009 to work as a Visiting Scientist at the University of South Australia.

Asad completed his PhD in canola allelopathy from CSU and his research promoted the concept of self-weeding crops. Following completion of PhD, he worked as a Research Fellow at the Graham Centre, CSU.

Before joining as a Lecturer at CSU, Asad was appointed as a Research Scientist at the NSW Department of Primary Industries, first head-up research for both summer and winter crops in southern NSW, then in herbicide resistance and weed science area. He uncovered the world's first double-knock herbicide resistance and Australia’s first paraquat resistance in exotic Conyza sumatrensis species. Asad’s herbicide hormesis research has been recognised in an international capacity and categorised as the most interesting research to explore the new roots of herbicide resistance development in weeds.

Asad completed a post-Graduate degree in Applied Statistics, and he is expert in using R language program and data mining operations to turn research data into information and information into stories for end users.

  • Understanding ecology, biology, and contemporary management of cropping and environmental (invasive plant species) weeds.
  • Herbicide hormesis and herbicide resistance dynamics in cropping weeds.
  • Investigating how crops and weeds interact, respond, and adapt (shape of functional traits) to future climate.
  • Leveraging remote sensing and plant spectral fingerprints in deep learning frameworks for smart agronomy.
  • Using machine learning based species distribution models to determine where a species is known to occur and how it relates to a suitable environment.