Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences
After graduating from the University of Adelaide with a BAppSc (Ag) (Hons), John completed a Masters Degree at CSU investigating herbicide resistance in wild oats in southern NSW. Since then he has participated in several herbicide resistance projects including herbicide resistance to knockdown herbicides and herbicide resistance in weeds of rice.
IN 2014 John completed his PhD on the influence of shelter design on new born lamb survival when working as part of the EverGraze research project.
John is the national leader of the GRDC research project determining the extent of herbicide resistance across the cropping region of Australia. He is also the CSU leader of projects investigating the impact of stripper header fronts on stubble micro-climate and another gaining a greater understanding of preventing haystack fires. He also manages the CSU Herbicide Resistance Testing Service and is involved in several other research projects.