Ana Horta

Associate Professor Ana Horta

Geospatial Scientist

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


Dr. Ana Horta’s research focus on the development, implementation, and validation of new statistical, geostatistical and machine learning modelling algorithms and methodologies for geoscience, environmental and health projects. Her research strengths stem from 12 years’ experience working with applied research dealing with data analytics, spatiotemporal mapping, and uncertainty assessment. Given her multidisciplinary work, Ana is involved in national and international collaborations including modelling soil properties and its influence in the soil-water balance, using drone-based imagery for wildlife monitoring, modelling habitat fragmentation, and mapping access to food environments. Since finishing her PhD in 2011, Ana has published 20 peer-review papers and 5 book chapters. She has supervised and co-supervised nine Honours and two PhD students to completion.

  • Statistical, geostatistical and machine learning modelling
  • GIS, Remote & proximal sensing
  • Uncertainty assessment
Full publications list on CRO

Recent five publications

  • Horta, A., Oliveira, A. R., Azevedo, L., & Ramos, T. B. (2024). Assessing the use of digital soil maps in hydrological modeling for soil-water budget simulations-implications for water management plans in southern Portugal. Geoderma Regional36, 1-13. Article e00741.
  • Marsden, T., Baumgartner, L. J., Duffy, D., Horta, A., & Ning, N. (2023). Evaluation of a new practical low-cost method for prioritising the remediation of fish passage barriers in resource-deficient settings. Ecological Engineering194, 107024. Article 107024.
  • Hall, A., Horta, A., Khan, M., & Crabbe, R. (2022). Spatial analysis of outdoor wet bulb globe temperature under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for 2041–2080 across a range of temperate to hot climates. Weather and Climate Extremes, 35, 1-18. [100420].
  • Horta, A., Azevedo, L., Neves, J., Soares, A., & Pozza, L. (2021). Integrating portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) measurement uncertainty for accurate soil contamination mapping. Geoderma, 382, 114712–.
  • Grimmett, L., Whitsed, R. and Horta, A. (2021). Creating virtual species to test species distribution models: the importance of landscape structure, dispersal and population processes. Ecography, 44, 753-765.