Gulbali Institute
In my role as a Research Fellow for the Gulbali Institute, I am currently researching Student Experiences inherent in their time with Charles Sturt University. My research begins with ‘Past Students’ as a driver for the research and will then look at the experiences of ‘current students’. The information gathered may enable Charles Sturt to build on, and improve, current relationships between the student, Charles Sturt University and Industries.
Ongoing Academic and Cultural Work
Recent Publications
Yalmambirra (2020). Yalmambirra: A Jigsaw Puzzle. Published by MMH Press
Yalmambirra (2015). Indigenous Cultures in Contemporary Australia: A Wiradjuri Case Study. [Doctoral Thesis, Charles Sturt University]. Charles Sturt University.
Yalmambirra (2011). Wiradjuri: Revival and survival. In G. Minnerup, & P. Solberg (Eds.), First world, first nations: Internal colonialism and indigenous self-determination in Northern Europe and Australia (pp. 132-148). (First Nations and the colonial encounter.). Sussex Academic Press.
Yalmambirra (2007). Knowledge and Wiradjuri: Who is telling the truth? A Wiradjuri Perspective. Sustaining Our Social and Natural Capital. Proceedings of the 12th ANZSYS Conference.
Yalmambirra (2007). Wiradjuri: Revival and survival. Northern Europe and its Indigenous minorities: Pointers for Australia? Centre for European Studies, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia.