Cyril Stephen

Associate Professor Cyril Stephen


Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


Cyril is a specialist in Theriogenology (Animal Reproduction) and has been employed with CSU since 2010. He graduated with a degree in Veterinary Science (BVSc & AH) from Kerala Agricultural University (India), and subsequently worked as a veterinarian for the State Government of Kerala (India) for 10 years. In 2006, Cyril moved to Canada and completed a doctoral residency program in Theriogenology (DVSc) at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. Following this, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in Theriogenology at the Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. After working here for a short period, Cyril moved to Australia to join CSU.

His main interests include management of reproduction in equine, canine and bovine species; infertility, obstetrics, assisted reproductive techniques etc.

  • Reproductive physiology and pathophysiology of reproductive disorders
  • Developing beef cattle management strategies for improved reproductive efficiency
  • Reproductive health of livestock and companion animals
Full publications list on CRO

Recent Publications

  • Wyse, J., Nevard, R., Loy, J., Weston, P. A., Gurusinghe, S., McCormick, J.,Weston, L. A., & Stephen, C. (2024). Effects of Mixed Pasture Legume Phytoestrogens on Superovulatory Response and Embryo Quality in Angus Cows. Animals14(7), Article 1125.
  • Nevard, R. P., Pant, S. D., Broster, J. C., Norman, S. T., & Stephen, C. P. (2023). Maternal Behavior in Beef Cattle: The Physiology, Assessment and Future Directions—A Review. Veterinary Sciences, 10(1).
  • Hodge, M., Rindfleish, S. J., Stephen, C., Heras-Saldana De, S. L., & Pant, S. (2023). The relevance of spermatozoal RNA and quality in livestock production. In R. F. Veerkamp, & Y. de Haas (Eds.), Proceedings of the12th World Congress on GeneticsApplied to Livestock Production (WCGALP): Technical and species orientated innovations in animal breeding, and contribution of genetics to solving societal challenges (pp. 3046-3049). [739] Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Garner, C., Stephen, C., Pant, S. D., & Ghorashi, S. A. (2022). Comparison of PCR-HRM, colorimetric LAMP and culture based diagnostic assays in the detection of endometritis caused by Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in mares. Veterinary Research Communications, 1-15.
  • Klien, E., Bahrami, M., Gunn, A., Stephen, C., Swegen, A., Aitken, R., & Gibb, Z. (2022). Fertility of Bos indicus bull sperm stored at room temperature in SpermSafe-B for seven days. Animal Reproduction Science, 247, 5. [107112].