Jane Quinn

Professor Jane Quinn

Veterinary Physiologist

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


Professor Quinn’s research has focused on strategies to improve livestock productivity and economic outcomes for Australian farming systems using innovative field and technology-based approaches. She investigates novel pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and management practices for the animal health industries designed improve productivity in Australian sheep and beef systems, both pre- and post-farm gate, and is the lead inventor on several awarded patents families.

Her research is extensively funded by Meat and Livestock Australia as well as and numerous industry partners. Through her role as Director of the Red Meat Innovation Centre she also creates opportunity for industry partnerships to achieve successful commercial outcomes through access to contract research services, project planning and design, and access to facilities and expertise in whole of value chain research.

  • Livestock productivity
  • Animal health
Full publications list on CRO

Recent publications

  • Lean, A., Gunn, A., Quinn, J., Golder, H., & Lean, I. (2024). Assessment and Management of Compost Bedded-Pack Barns. Paper presented at Australian Cattle Veterinarian Conference , Wodonga, Victoria, Australia.
  • Barnewall, R., Marsh, I., Cusack, P., Galea, F., Sales, N., & Quinn, J. (2023). Detection of Ureaplasma diversum in the upper airways of Australian feedlot cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal. https://doi.org/10.1111/avj.13241
  • Marsh, I., Barnewall, R., Williams, T., Cusack, P., Sales, N., Galea, F., Szentirmay, A., Ruijter, J. M., van den Hoff, M. J. B., & Quinn, J. (2023). Efficiency-Corrected PCR Quantification For Identification Of Prevalence And Load Of Respiratory Disease-Causing Agents In Feedlot Cattle. Abstract from 10th Gene Quantification Symposium - qPCR, dPCR and NGS 2023, Freisling-Weihenstephan, Germany.
  • Kelly, JE., Behrendt, K., & Quinn, JC. (2023). Simulating the population dynamics of barley grass (Hordeum spp.) and impacts of weed management strategies in a southern Australian lucerne (Medicago sativa) pasture. Crop and Pasture Science. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP22297
  • Quinn, J., Barnewall, R., Marsh, I., Saji, N., Williams, T., Vicic, V., Sales, N., Galea, F., Szentirmay, A., & Cusack, P. (2023). Using Efficiency-Corrected quantitative PCR to assess risk of respiratory disease in feedlot cattle. In Using Efficiency-Corrected quantitative PCR to assess risk of respiratory disease in feedlot cattle