Nidhish Francis

Dr Nidish Francis

Animal Physiology

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences

  • Wagga Wagga


Nidhish holds a veterinary science degree from India and Masters from University of Connecticut, USA. His Master's research focused on identifying the role of a transcription factor, Tbox-2, in bone formation using a cell culture model. After working in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Connecticut for 2 years, he moved to Australia and completed his PhD in the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne. His PhD project focused on identifying the role of protease-activated receptor-2 in periodontal disease using transgenic mice. Nidhish joined Charles Sturt University in March 2017 as a Lecturer in Animal Physiology where he teaches animal and veterinary physiology to undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in veterinary science, animal science, equine science and veterinary technology.

  • Nutraceutical approaches to improve animal production
  • Identifying the health beneficial properties of cereals and pulses
  • Developing cell culture models on inflammation, diabetes, obesity and other metabolic diseases
Full publications list on CRO

Recent publications

  • Collins, A., Santhakumar, A., Latif, S., Chinkwo, K., Francis, N., & Blanchard, C. (2024). Impact of Processing on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Molecules29(15), 1-22. Article 3626.
  • Collins, A., Santhakumar, A. B., Francis, N., Blanchard, C., & Chinkwo, K. (2024). Impact of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) phenolic compounds on cancer development pathways. Food Bioscience, 59, 104177.
  • Shamsi, S., Brown, K., Francis, N., Barton, D. P., & Jenkins, D. J. (2024). First findings of Sarcocystis species in game deer and feral pigs in Australia. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 421, 110780.
  • Collins, A., Santhakumar, A. B., Francis, N., Blanchard, C., & Chinkwo, K. (2024). Impact of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) phenolic compounds on cancer development pathways. Food Bioscience, 59, 104177.
  • Shamsi, S., Khedri, J., Borji, H., Suthar, J., & Francis, N. (2024). Gill parasites of Schizocypris altidorsalis (Pisces: Cyprinidae), a threatened freshwater fish in Iran. Marine and Freshwater Research, 75(6), -.