Surveillance for invasive species

Effective nationwide surveillance for invasive species is a critical component of biosecurity management, and new genetic techniques are creating opportunities to transform current practices. Prof. Alan Cooper is one of the co-founders of the Ancient DNA field, which specializes in detecting trace amounts of DNA in complex environments. His research group is applying ultra-sensitive Ancient DNA methods to monitor biosecurity threats, enabling the early detection of invasive species and public health risks before they can establish. The focus is on creating cost-effective strategies that permit regular (eg monthly) surveys across a network of Australian sites, to ensure early detection and mitigation to minimize damage to native ecosystems and agriculture.

A comprehensive surveillance network will require partnerships amongst government agencies, researchers, and local communities. Prof. Cooper’s innovative research aims to provide the scientific platform to build rapid response efforts and a largescale collaborative approach to biosecurity, facilitating management practices that protect Australia’s biodiversity and agricultural integrity.