Elizabeth Znidersic

Dr Elizabeth Znidersic

Ecologist/ Ornithologist

Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences


Dr Elizabeth Znidersic is a post-doctoral researcher with the Gulbali Institute. Her major research interests include survey methodologies and the application of technological tools to monitor individual species and ecosystems, wetland species and their management and island biodiversity and species reintroductions/translocations. Her research has been conducted in the USA and Australia with ongoing collaborations with US Government agencies. Liz has worked extensively in Tasmania with the Parks and Wildlife Service, non-government environmental agencies and various nature based tourism operations. Most of her research is applied ecology and cross-discipline ecology and computer science in the area of acoustic monitoring and camera trapping. The results are aimed at improving our understanding and management of natural systems and specific species and integrating technological approaches. She is currently working on the “Eavesdropping on wetland birds” project and a pilot project applying ‘Acoustic Restoration’. Liz has also been a sessional lecturer with the School of Environmental Sciences at CSU.

  • Survey and detection methodologies
  • Management of wetlands and wetland bird species
  • The application of eco-acoustics as a monitoring tool for species and ecosystems
  • Restoration of landscapes incorporating acoustic methodologies
  • Island biodiversity and species reintroduction
Full publications list on CRO

Recent Publications

  • Znidersic, E., Watson, D. M., & Towsey, M. W. (2024). A new method to estimate abundance of Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) from acoustic recordings [Nouvelle méthode pour estimer l’abondance du Butor d’Australie (Botaurus poiciloptilus) à partir d’enregistrements]. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 19(1), Article 16. https://doi.org/10.5751/ACE-02613-190116
  • Znidersic, E., Turner, A., Talbot, S., & Wassens, S. (2024). Australasian bittern Fact Sheet.
  • Znidersic, E., & Watson, D. (2022). Acoustic restoration: Using soundscapes to benchmark and fast-track recovery of ecological communities. Ecology Letters, 25(7), 1597-1603. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14015\
  • Znidersic, E., & Towsey, M. (2022). The Living Murray-Intervention Monitoring: Australasian Bittern and Australian Little Bittern presence and breeding surveys, 2021-22: Intervention monitoring in Barmah-Millewa Forest 2021. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
  • Hand, C. E., Gabel, W., DiPetto, G. R., Bonafilia, R. E., & Znidersic, E. (2021). A window into the breeding ecology and molt of the Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis jamaicensis). Waterbirds, 44(2), 207-221. https://doi.org/10.1675/063.044.0208