Engineering, modelling and statistical analysis

A CFD model showing cross-sectional view of water flow patterns occurring while testing a fish exclusion screen

A CFD model showing cross-sectional view of water flow patterns occurring while testing a fish exclusion screen

The IFRG has access to specialist expertise in:

  • Hydraulic engineering, via its partnerships with Charles Sturt
  • Hydropower engineering and modelling, via its partnership with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the US
  • Irrigation engineering, via its partnership from AWMA Solutions
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling
  • Hydropower simulations
  • Complex univariate and multivariate statistical analyses

Another CFD model showing a side cross-sectional view of turbulent water flow patterns occurring in the same fish exclusion screen

Another CFD model showing a side cross-sectional view of turbulent water flow patterns occurring in the same fish exclusion screen