Field-based studies

A local staff member recording data for an IFRG-led fish passage project at Pak Peung village in Lao PDR.

A local staff member recording data for an IFRG-led fish passage project at Pak Peung village in Lao PDR.

Our team has many years’ experience in undertaking field work in numerous countries under culturally-diverse working conditions.

We regularly undertake field studies for threatened fish species programs, on changes to aquatic animal communities before and after the development of riverine irrigation and hydropower infrastructure, and on the effectiveness of fish passes and/or other fisheries restoration measures.

To undertake these field studies, we have expertise and equipment for:

  • Boating and four-wheel driving
  • Electrofishing
  • Acoustic tagging and monitoring
  • PIT tagging — installation and monitoring
  • Sensor fish (i.e. data-logging robotic fish) deployment and data analysis
  • GIS-based habitat mapping and spatial analyses

The Lower Mekong River’s first demonstration fishway being constructed in Lao PDR in 2012.

The Lower Mekong River’s first demonstration fishway being constructed in Lao PDR in 2012.