
Professionals can explore a curated selection of resources to support their work, including journal papers, reports, media content, fact sheets, theses, policy briefs, and books.

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Selected Journal Papers

Selected Reports

Selected Media

Selected Fact Sheets

  • Quantifying biophysical and community impacts of improved fish passage in Lao PDR and Myanmar - Masterclass
    Aung, ZT
  • Quantifying biophysical and community impacts of improved fish passage in Lao PDR and Myanmar
    Aung, ZT
  • Poster on the Lao PDR fishway project presented at the poster session at Fish Passage 2018
  • Elder knowledge of tranditional wetland management and concerns for Pak Peung wetland
    Millar, J, Robinson, W
  • Fish harvesting and use in Pak Peung wetland
    Millar, J, Robinson, W
  • Local knowledge of fish species in Pak Peung wetland
    Millar, J, Robinson, W
  • Quantifying biophysical and community impacts of improved fish passage in Laos
    Baumgartner, L
  • Improving fish passage in the Mekong and Murray-Darling basins
    Baumgartner, L,  McPherson, J, Boys, C, Singhanouvong, D, Phonekhampheng, O


  • Retention of Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tags in two species of selected Mekong River fishes
    Grieve, B


  • Climate change and fishes in estuaries
    Gillanders, BM, McMillan, MN, Reis‐Santos, P, Baumgartner, LJ, Brown, LR, Conallin, J, Feyrer, FV, Henriques, S, James, NC, Jaureguizar, AJ, Pessanha, ALM, Vasconcelos, RP, Vu, AV, Walther, B, Wibowo, A


  • Optimising fish passage at hydropower sites in the Mekong, $5,700,000 (ACIAR and DFAT)
  • FishTech, $4,500,000
  • Next Generation Water Engineering and River Management Hub, $3,600,000
  • Translating fish passage research outcomes into policy and legislation across South East Asia, $2,867,857
  • Assessing fisheries mitigation measures at Xayaburi Dam in Lao PDR, $1,410,802
  • Maccas on the Manus: Bushfire Recovery, $130,400
  • Fisheries monitoring in the Mekong Basin to assess impacts of mainstream hydropower projects as part of the Mekong River Joint Environment Monitoring (JEM), $640,774
  • Modernising irrigated agriculture to protect and restore aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services in SE Asia, $484,107
  • Screens for Streams: Boosting native fish stocks through improved water extraction practices, $211,165
  • Advancing fish-protection screening at Australian water diversions, $95,000
  • Delta Flows: The role that Deltas play in sustain basin-scale fisheries in the Mekong and Irrawaddy Rivers, $30,127
  • Basin-scale Evaluation Research Services Stage 2, $558,51
  • Predicting redfin survival through the Snowy 2.0 scheme Assignment 2, $848,803
  • Development of fish passage technology for floodplains, $140,000
  • Pilot study for development of fish friendly irrigation and mini hydro design criteria for application in the Mekong and Murray-Darling Basins, $150,000
  • Murray River fishway assessments, $55,000
  • Monitoring the ecological response of Commonwealth environmental water delivered in 2013-14 to the Murrumbidgee River, $671,801
  • Diadromous fish of the Mekong: managing long distance fish migrations at mainstream dam sites, $19,000
  • Quantifying biophysical and community impacts of improved fish passage in Lao PDR and Myanmar, $2,646,287
  • In search of the elusive Mekong salmon, $38,000
  • Sustainable Hydropower and Multipurpose Storage to meet the Water, Food and Energy SDGs, $67,500 Euros
  • PIT tag database, $30,000