Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the world’s most biologically diverse and underdeveloped regions of the world. The vulnerable freshwater ecosystems and their aquatic biodiversity in this region are some of the most threatened components of our global ecosystem.
These vulnerable African ecosystems provide ecosystem services to millions of Africans who are totally dependent on the food, ecosystem processes, cultural services and biodiversity derived from these ecosystems, for their survival.
Resource development in Sub Saharan Africa is accelerating as nations grow to meet the social and economic demands of developing communities. Water resource development in the region has not adequately incorporated sustainability considerations and the conservation needs of our vulnerable ecosystems. Managers throughout Sub Saharan Africa need knowledge pertaining to the ecosystems and their dynamism, the impacts of multiple anthropogenic stressors and sustainability requirements of our ecosystems and the Africans who depend on these systems for their survival.
The Sustainable African Rivers Initiative ( is an applied freshwater conservation and sustainable management research programme. SARI has been established to make a meaningful contribution to the conservation and sustainable development of the rivers, lakes, wetlands and estuaries of Sub-Saharan Africa for our biodiversity, ecosystems and people who depend on these functioning ecosystems for their livelihoods.
The SARI is a Charles Sturt University, Gulbali Institute of Australia initiative, in partnership with the North West University and University of Mpumalanga in South Africa and the Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation programme. SARI is based at Charles Sturt in Albury, Australia and has a base and research laboratory in the lowveld region of South Africa in Mbombela, close to the Kruger National Park From our base in Mbombela. SARI has scientists, post graduate students, technical and administrative staff, research facilities and equipment to undertake applied research activities throughout the region.
We specialise in sustainable water resources management, aquatic ecology, fisheries, ecotoxicology, ecological risk assessments, ecosystem services and social research in the region. We work with regional and international scientists and activities, and for regional trans boundary sustainable water resource management stakeholders, governments and communities. Work with us! And come and visit us in Mbombela!
Dr Gordon O Brien
Researcher, Gulbali Institute