Screens for Streams: Boosting native fish stocks through improved water extraction practices

Project Summary

Proper screens can protect fish and make the irrigation industry more profitable. Screening occurs in other countries, but Australia is decades behind best international practice. This project will facilitate the coordination, evaluation, and extension on initial efforts into fish screening in NSW to maximise broad-scale adoption of fish screens.

Project Details

Project Period
2019 – 2023

Project Funding
$211,165 (NSW DPI-NSW Recreational Fishing Trust)

Project Location

The IFRG has been specifically sub-contracted to:

  1. conduct a socio-economic analysis – focusing on the economics, community perceptions, drivers, and impediments to adoption. This will involve undertaking interviews and focus groups with a wide range of potential and current screen users (i.e. irrigation farmers, water businesses, Local land Services) and other stakeholders across NSW, and on-going analyses of website and social media data.
  2. undertake a study tour, to learn from international best practice in the USA, and capture relevant insights from US pump screen users and manufacturers.
  3. develop a communication strategy. A Pump Screen Communication Plan will be developed and presented at national conferences aimed at the fishing and/or agricultural sector.
  4. provide annual updates to the Fish Screening Technical Advisory Group on impact and awareness monitoring.

Team Members

Project Partners

  • Charles Sturt University (CSU)