Animal Ethics

Charles Sturt University has a commitment to excellence in research and teaching. Appropriate use of animals for scientific purposes is part of this commitment. Positive welfare of animals is a high priority at all times.

You have a personal and legal responsibility for the welfare of animals.

The Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) oversees the use of animals at the University. This oversight applies to animals used for scientific purposes.

The animals that need to have AEC approval are all vertebrates and cephalopods. You cannot use these animals without AEC approval.

The AEC will consider the ethics and scientific merit of animal use, as well as animal welfare.

You must consider and apply the ‘3Rs’ in your teaching or research activities. The 3Rs are Replacement, Reduction and Refinement.

The University has obligations as a licensed research establishment and animal supplier.  Individuals also have obligations under legislation. Significant penalties apply for failure to meet these obligations.

Teaching and research using animals cannot start without approval from the AEC.

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Charles Sturt University has a commitment to excellence in research and teaching. Appropriate use of animals for scientific purposes is part of this commitment. Positive welfare of animals is always a high priority. The university uses animals for a wide range of projects from wildlife surveying to veterinary training using small and large animals such as livestock and horses.

In 2024 Charles Sturt proudly became a signatory of the Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in Australia demonstrating commitment to greater transparency in the use of animals.

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The Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) oversees the use of animals at the University. This oversight applies to animals used for scientific purposes, which includes research and teaching activities including observational studies.

The University has obligations as a licensed research establishment and animal supplier.  Individuals also have obligations under legislation. Significant penalties apply for failure to meet these obligations. Teaching and research using animals cannot start without approval from the AEC.

The Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8th edition 2013 (updated 2021) defines animals as any live non-human vertebrate and cephalopod (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, squid, octopus, and nautilus). These animals cannot be used without AEC approval. The AEC will consider the ethics and scientific merit of animal use, as well as animal welfare. Applicants must consider and apply the ‘3Rs’ (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in their teaching or research activities.

The university employs an animal welfare officer to assist academics with their AEC applications. This position is important to ensure the University meets the standards, guidelines, and regulations to fulfil the principles of animal ethics. It also ensures that the standards of care and use of animals in teaching and research are monitored and continually improved.

Charles Sturt University researchers frequently publish their work and give talks about their research. As a signatory of the openness agreement the university will endeavour to share more of our stories about animal use through this webpage, social media and news articles. For more information about the regulatory requirements for animals in NSW or Australia visit Animal Ethics Infolink.

Do I need to apply for ethics approval?

Application and approval process


Managing approved projects

Animal Ethics Committee membership

Standard operating procedures

Meeting dates

Complaints and non-compliance

Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes

3Rs and related concepts

Resources and Guides
